X-Mas Eve and Day

Well, lets start off with X-mas Eve.  This is the first time since I am born that we were not doing anything on X-mas eve since my cuz's went to portland to visit my oldest cuz.  But around 1:00 I got a call from Candice.  She hates shopping alone, and with no one else that was doing nothing on x-mas eve I went with her.  For 6 hours we drove around highland and redlands, buy last minute x-mas gifts for everyone.  At the end of the day, I bought a Starbucks for her.  I told her that was my x-mas gift to her. 

Today, in the morning we just watched afew movies.  Then around 10:30 we opened presents.  My best gift was a VIDEO CAMERA!!!!! YEAH!!!  I took it to our family dinner at my Uncles house and filmed all of it.  Now I just have to learn how to transfer the video from the camera to the Computer, I think I have to read the book.  Which might take me a few days.  Tomorrow at 10:00 I go see my one uncle, who is my dentist, and I get my wisdom teeth out.  I might now be on for a few days, it depends on how I feel in recovery. I should do fine, I hope.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas or holiday and I hope everyone enjoyed it to the very last. 

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!! Now tomorrow is the first day of Winter Break for school., WHOOOOOOOO!!!


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