Easter Day

For Easter, like every year, was at my cuz's house in Yuciapa.  Fisrt we had a great meal with ham from pigs that they raised on there farm.  Freash farm raised ham is out of this world.  The best damn ham i ever have had in my life.  I brought my video camera along with me, once i finish it i can get it posted on my profile.  After lunch my sister and I went to visit there 6 year old horse Rozie.  Then took a look at the tomato crops along with the crops of maui onions and cucumbers,  Then we went back to have dessert stawberry pie, which was awsome.  My cuz's gave me a candle holder with coffee beans with a candle on top.  It is awsome, i will have a photo of it on here later.  After dessert we went inside the hot house and see the chickens near the horse.  We had a great time and now i am regreting going to school tomorrow.  At least it is the start of 4th quater 


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