In the Real Life?
One comment, which tends to be quite popular with the older adults, could be taken as an insult to us younger adults who are still working hard to get somewhere in the world. This comment is, "When you are in the real life...". Real life? What is real life? Based of those who make these type of comments must think that college students aren't in what they call life. I fell this comment, or phrase, can be quite insulting depending on the person. You might be asking what brought up this comment. Winter break ends on Sunday, meaning that I return to school on Monday. I had posted on facebook that my winter break was going to end with a bang with a trip to San Diego and South Lake Tahoe. A friend of mine made a comment to enjoy it while it lasts, because in real life, I wont be able to have this type of fun often. Right away, I felt a little offended, which rarely happens. Yes, I live with my parents; yes, I have no job (currently looking); yes, I am in college; yes, I don't have many responsibilities when it comes to bills; but all of these doesn't mean that I am not living the real life.
To me, I think of life, which is all real, as chapters. Each chapter in your life is based on different milestones that you experience. Childhood is an example of a chapter of life. Currently, I am in the college chapter of my life. My college chapter is quite larger than many others, but it is slowly coming to an end. This chapter of my life is a between time from the teenager/high school chapter and professional career/main adulthood chapter. Many of those in the higher chapters tend to feel that the chapter they live in is the real life, and all chapters before aren't "real". Sorry to busy your bubble, but we are in the real life. I am starting to think that those who don't call it the real life do so out of jealousy, because the collage chapters of ones life seems to be some of the best years of ones life. I am living a good and real life. I know I have had some bumps along the way, who doesn't? Even so, my life is good, and I am enjoying it quite well. Those who say I am not living in the real life are wrong. As long as I am breathing, I am in the real life. It might not seem like it to many, but I am. Jim just not on the same chapter of life as they are. I will get there soon.
To me, I think of life, which is all real, as chapters. Each chapter in your life is based on different milestones that you experience. Childhood is an example of a chapter of life. Currently, I am in the college chapter of my life. My college chapter is quite larger than many others, but it is slowly coming to an end. This chapter of my life is a between time from the teenager/high school chapter and professional career/main adulthood chapter. Many of those in the higher chapters tend to feel that the chapter they live in is the real life, and all chapters before aren't "real". Sorry to busy your bubble, but we are in the real life. I am starting to think that those who don't call it the real life do so out of jealousy, because the collage chapters of ones life seems to be some of the best years of ones life. I am living a good and real life. I know I have had some bumps along the way, who doesn't? Even so, my life is good, and I am enjoying it quite well. Those who say I am not living in the real life are wrong. As long as I am breathing, I am in the real life. It might not seem like it to many, but I am. Jim just not on the same chapter of life as they are. I will get there soon.
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