A Week with Best Friends
I am considering this week to be one of the best weeks I have had in a very long time. Even though I had work and heard of some terrible news on Monday, I was able to be refreshed by great company for the rest of my week, just having endless fun, and experiences we shall remember for ever. Below breaks down some of the details that has happened the past four days.
First, today would officially be Scotty's Birthday. While at Scotty's birthday party, Jane really wanted to go to the beach along with having a beach fire. Of course, with Scotty and I wanting to give our full support to Jane in this troubling time, we made sure that we would go to the beach. After I got off work, Jane and Scotty met here at my house, and we went off to the beach. We first stopped off at the store to get some firewood, but they were out. We were kinda in a tired and iffy mood, so we just ended up leaving for the beach. When we arrived in Huntington Beach, we talked about Scotty's family, who is at a beach house in Sunset Beach. While at Scotty's party, we received a very nice invitation to come out to the beach house. We felt we would stop by to say hello before we go on our adventure to have a fire on the beach. We arrived at the rental beach house, and it was night. It was located on the PCH and 8th street in Sunset Beach. After saying hello to everyone, it was time for the sunset. So most of Scotty's family who was at the house and us walked out onto the beach (just a 2 min walk down 8th street) and watched the sun set on Sunset beach. It was sure one beautiful Sunset. The sun slowly set behind downtown Long Beach to the north, and the sky was filled with a awesome orange colored skies. Thank god I had my camera!
Monday: Usual with a side of shocking news
Monday was quite boring to start with. I woke up about 8:00, and had breakfast. After breakfast I played some Modern Warfare 2, then had to work from 11 till 3. Work was no more than reading and replying to e-mails, and beginning to start working on projects to prepare for the Los Angeles/San Bernardino 4-H Summer Camp at the end of the month. Will be there representing work (4-H Military Partnership), since we are sending military youth from Los Angeles and surrounding areas to camp. After work, I went to play more video games, and then chill on facebook. While on facebook, I noticed that Jane's fiancée changed his relationship status to single. Right away, I felt I needed to take action, and I sent a text message to Jane asking if she was ok. It seems that a few hours ago, her fiancée broke up with her. Right away, I began to get worried, and wanted to do all I can to help Jane get through this very very tough time. I texted Scotty right away with this shocking news, so he and I can help give Jane any support she might need. I wanted both of us to be with Jane, and just be there for moral support, but had learned she was at the beach with a few family members. Not sure what to do, I asked a few female friends for advice of how I could help, and I didn't get anywhere. I decided that I should give her space, but be there if she needed me and/or Scotty. I stayed up till 2 am just to say on watch for a text message from Jane if she needed any help. I figured she was doing ok, and went to bed, for I had a feeling I would be up late on Tuesday.
Tuesday: Scotty's Birthday Party
The first part of my day was just like Monday. Woke up, did a few things, then worked. After work, I prepared to get ready for Scotty's Birthday at his house. Before the party, Jane and I hung out for a little bit. She originally wasn't going to go to the party, but she decided to go to be there for Scotty, and I was very proud she decided to be there. To help make her feel better, Scotty and I made sure people wouldn't mention anything that could upset Jane. The party went really well. I always love being at Scotty's house. His family is always so nice, and make you feel as if you are apart of their family. I got to meet a few other family members who were in town visiting, and we just had a great time. Jane brought Jello Shots, and those were a big hit at the party. I had a few myself, but I behaved because I didn't want to feel buzzed or anything. Scotty got his new Go Pro camera, which he can attach to his car and stuff for awesome video footage. Everyone there just got along real well and time flew very fast. It was great! I got Scotty a In-N-Out gift card this year, which i figured he would need some awesome food while driving around with his camera. I was there till about 12:30, and i went home while who was left went to get some food from Denny's.
Wednesday: Scotty's Birthday/Beach Trip

After the sun set, we headed back to the beach house, then Scotty, Jane, and I left to go on an adventure to have a fire on the beach, but first we had to find supplies. We drove down to Huntington Beach, and found a CVS. We bought firewood and lighter fluid. After that, we drive through a Dairy Queen for dinner, because we didn't bring food for the fire. After finding food, we drove north to look for some fire rings. For those who don't know, almost every beach closes at 10:00 PM, which I personally feel that is the most stupidest thing ever. It was about 9:00 when we arrived at a stretch of fire pits just north of Huntington Beach. We tried looking for the entrance, and by the time we did so, we had learned they closed the entrance for they don't want people showing up in the last hour to start fires. We turned around and headed back to Huntington Beach. The parking lot was closed as well. That didn't stop us, we parked at a parking meter on the road and walked in. We decided by the time we started the fire, we would have to leave, so we decided to walk along the water's edge heading north towards the pier. At that point, we stopped and sat on the beach. We laid down, facing the stars, while listening to the waves crashing while we just talked. At this point, it felt as if life was perfect. What can be better than being at the beach listening to the waves, staring at the stars and chilling with two of my best friends, who are also two of the most important people in my life. Sadly, that perfect moment was cut short due to the lights of the beach rangers cars who were slowly driving up the beach telling everyone to leave because it was past 10:00, and the beach was closing. We packed up, headed to the car, and drove home. This would be considered the most perfect day of the week at this point, but I think Thursday just beats this day. I was kinda jealous that today was Scotty's Birthday. I can never go to the beach in December and enjoy it :( There are many times I wish I had a summer birthday :( After Scotty dropped Jane and I at my house, Jane asked about going to Balboa Beach tomorrow afternoon, for she will be going with friends. After such a perfect day today, I said yes, for I really didn't want to leave the beach, but I had to go home for work. This day also happens to mark 4 years since we had graduated High School, and it is amazing all the things we have gone through since then. It has been a wonderful 4 years, and there will be tons of years down the road.
Thursday: Return to the Beach
After work, Jane and I headed down to Balboa Beach to meet up with a few of her friends to hang out. My mom was nice enough to let me use her car. Before Jane got to my house, I ran to the store, bought more wood, and got all the supplies for dinner, and SMORES!!!!!! Jane and I hit the road. We ran into some traffic, but it wasn't anything that bad. As we arrived into Newport Beach, Jane had received some text messages with news from her friends saying that they were packing up and leaving the beach. At that moment, we decided to head north up to Huntington. On that drive, We decided to stop off back at the Beach House in Sunset Beach to give Scotty a surprise visit. He had spent a full day with his family there having fun doing beach stuff. Jane and I technically had a invitation to join them on Thursday with Scotty, so I didn't feel bad for dropping in. Right away the welcomed us with open arms, even offering us dinner, but we just had a small portion of food from Jack In The Box down the street because we were hungry.
We chilled there at the Beach House for a little bit while Scotty's family watched the Lakers Game. Jane, Scotty, and I secretly was cheering for Boston to win because we don't really like the Lakers. Right as the sun disappointed into the horizon, we left to go have our beach fire we didn't have the night before. We went down to Huntington Beach. First tried to go to a beach closer to Sunset Beach, but we didn't have cash to pay for parking, and it would of cost us $15.00, which was too much to just spend two hours at a beach for a fire. We got to the fire pits at Huntington, and build a fire. I set up the fire at first, and it failed to light because of the wind from the ocean. My style of building fires wouldn't work like what they do in the mountains. Scotty tried, and on his second attempted, had success. We roasted hot dogs first, then we had smores. Of course, you can't forget the Jello Shots. Not supposed to have those on the beach, but what people don't know wont hurt them. I only had three, and Jane and Scotty had about 12 or so. When the rangers announced the beach was closed, we packed up and headed back to the beach house to drop off Scotty.
We ended up staying at the beach house to hand out with Scotty and his family some more. Jane and Scotty made themselves Vodka and Red Bull and we headed out to the beach to chill with a few family members. With the drinks making Jane and Scotty more loose, the evening just got more fun. I didn't drink because I had to drive home. At the beginning, i was trying to push to leave because I didn't want to be late on the road. But after a while, I said fuck it, because we don't get to bond as friends as often as we would like, and life is too short to cut out some fun. As Jane and Scotty began to get closer to drunk status, things became real fun. They started playing a run away from beach waves game, and at one point Jane fell. For those of us who were sitting on the beach, we were yelling to get Scotty's attention. Scotty tried to get to Jane before the next wave hit, but there was not time. Jane got wet. LOL. I was so funny! After that, it made me want to get wet, and Scotty and Jane convinced me to take my shoes off and join them. This was just such another perfect moment. Having fun with two people who mean the world to me on a beach in the dark with the ocean being lit by the moon. It was a lot of fun, and we had a great time together. We chilled on the beach for awhile, and near the end, Jane and I just wanted to call off work and stay all night, but later on I decided it would be the responsible thing to head back home. We headed back to the beach house around 12:30 and I tried to get Jane ready to go, but I was just having to much fun watching Scotty and Jane while they were drunk. Then we learned that there was a toaster that was apart of the Microwave, and that was the most awesome thing we had ever seen.
After slowly getting to the car, we chilled for a bit more, before we finally got on the road to head home around 1:30. I drove Jane home, because I wasn't going to let her drive from my house to hers under her drunk condition. I would pick her up in the morning so she can get her car and go to work.
I might be tired right now, but it feels good because I had such a blast the past few days. I was very glad things worked out real well, especially with being with Jane to help her get over her break up. I am very honored to have such great two best friends. We will do anything for each other, and being together always brings new and exciting things. I love Jane and Scotty and I am very glad to have them as apart of my life. This week was perfect, and a really needed week, since soon I will be gone on trips, and my friends wont be able to chill with me for about three weeks or so.
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