First Paintball Experience

For the holidays, my cousin, Amanda, came down from Portland, Oregon, and we always do great things when she is in town. This year, she decided to take me paintballing along with her sister, Krystal, and her dad (my uncle), Darrel. My sister also decided to come along and give paintball a try. I was excited to try paintballing, but also a little scared for the sport. I decided to step out of my comfort zone and give it a try. I had a blast, and was glad i went that day. We went to a new place that opened just two weeks ago in Colton called Tombstone Paintball Park. When we first pulled into the park, and drove past some of the fields, I started to get a nervous feeling that I wasn't going to like paintball, and that I was going to die. We arrived right at 8:00 AM, when the park opens, so we can prepare for the first game which starts at 9 AM. We registered, attended the rules presentation, and prepared our equipment. Before long, the p...