Learning fast

Well, with this week coming to an end for me i have learned that college doesn't work the same way as highschool.....I have 8 homework assignments due tomorrow, which i only have one done...all together they are only worth 10 points.....so i decided i better stop and stay up to par with the rest of the class or i will fall real behind.  So i just studied for my test tomorrow instead of doing all that homework.  This weekend, after working and stuff, i plan on getting back on track with all my classes so i don't fall behind and when it is too late, where nothing can be done....So now i have been planning my schedules out so i have enough time to do all.  College might be easy if you just keep up the work and not fall behind, which after this week i have learned.  Good thing i learned this now and not a week before finals in december....lol....that is what would happen in high school...i was very lucky that i graduated.  YAY for learning


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