Ranger at Bluff Lake

First Patrol as Ranger Memorial Day weekend was my first shift as Ranger at Bluff Lake Reserve south of Big Bear Lake in the San Bernardino National Forest. I met my new boss, Doug, at Oak Glen Preserve, on Saturday, May 23, 2015. We loaded up one of the Ranger trucks (a Toyota Tecoma), gave me the keys, and we caravanned up to Bluff Lake. When we arrived, he showed me the trailer, the tools, supplies, the restroom at the camp next door, and showed me a few different items of paper work I need while up there. While showing me the ropes, Doug realized he left the ranger cell phone and important keys I need back in Oak Glen. He left to go back down to get those items. With him gone, it would just me me and nature for the first time. I went into the trailer, grabbed my hat, knife, and bear deterrent spray and I went on my first patrol as Ranger. As I walk the .8 miles a...