A Week with Best Friends

I am considering this week to be one of the best weeks I have had in a very long time. Even though I had work and heard of some terrible news on Monday, I was able to be refreshed by great company for the rest of my week, just having endless fun, and experiences we shall remember for ever. Below breaks down some of the details that has happened the past four days. Monday: Usual with a side of shocking news Monday was quite boring to start with. I woke up about 8:00, and had breakfast. After breakfast I played some Modern Warfare 2, then had to work from 11 till 3. Work was no more than reading and replying to e-mails, and beginning to start working on projects to prepare for the Los Angeles/San Bernardino 4-H Summer Camp at the end of the month. Will be there representing work (4-H Military Partnership), since we are sending military youth from Los Angeles and surrounding areas to camp. After work, I went to play more video games, a...