Missouri and Amanda's Boot Camp Graduation

The past week I have been in Missouri, the show me state, to
be at my cousin's, Amanda, Army boot camp graduation from Ft. Leonard Wood outside of St. Robert. MO.  I traveled with my Aunt and Uncle into St. Louis two days before the graduation.  We spent some time in St. Louis and then took the 2 hour drive down to St. Robert. Where we spend 2 days there then went back up to St. Louis to do some more sightseeing and head home.

Day 1:

     We took off from Ontario Airport at 7:45 am; our
flight was delayed by 30 minutes do to a finding of suspicious material that
was found on the plane.  We had a hour layover at the Phoenix Airport
before heading off to St. Louis, MO.  At the time we landed in St. Louis,
around 3:00 PM, it was cloudy and 40 Degrees outside.  We got our luggage,
got the rental car, and headed off to our hotel located at the south edge of
Forest Park in St. Louis.  After we got settled in the hotel, I took my
aunt and uncle to downtown St. Louis to see the Gateway Arch on the Missouri River
and Old St. Louis right next to the arch.  We first went to Old St. Louis
hoping to find a place to have dinner.  We ate at a Irish Pub.  It
was interesting to see that no one was anywhere to be found.  It almost
seemed like we where not supposed to be in downtown.  It was a ghost
town.  I figured because it was cold, in the middle of the week, and not
in the high tourist season.  After dinner, we headed off to the
Mississippi River Riverfront, tried to get into a river boat casino but failed because
they don't allow cameras inside, LAME!!!!!!, and then walked over the the
Gateway Arch.  We were not able to go to the top that day, because it was
closed by the time we got there.  After it started getting too dark, we
drove over the river into the state of Illinois because I wanted to get a photo
of the St. Louis skyline at night.  We couldn't find a road, so we headed
back on the freeway, and my uncle pulled to the side, On the freeway, and i
rolled down the window and took the shot.  After that we headed back to
the hotel for the rest of the night.

Day 2:

     Today is the day that we explore a few other locations
in the St. Louis area, then head down to St. Robert.  I took them to the
St. Louis Zoo, located in Forest Park just a mile from the hotel.   The best thing about the St. Louis Zoo was
that it was free!  It was awesome.  The property tax that people pay who lives in
the state supports the zoo, and that is why it is free.  The zoo was a very nice zoo, had all kinds of
animals.  The best exhibit, in my
opinion, was the Penguin exhibit.  The
penguins where so close, that I could actually pet them or hold them.  Of course, couldn’t do it because the zoo
keeper was there the entire time making sure we don’t do that.  The other thing was those Penguins could of
just jump right out of the exhibit right into the section where people look at
them.  It was kinda freaky.  It would make for good photos if I had a
tripod, but with the low light, it was really hard to get a decent photo
without using flash, which makes the photo suck.  After spending ½ the day at the zoo, we drove
around Forest Park, looking at the tons of lakes, fountains, and buildings all
over the place.  The one thing I didn’t
like was all the trees had no leafs yet. They are just starting to bud there. I was last at Forest Park in July of 2004, and It was very very
beautiful with leafs on all the trees. This time around it was beautiful, but not like it was in 2004.  
After exploring Forest Park, we went to Hardees, Carls Jr with a different name, for lunch.  After lunch, we drove west of St. Louis to explore the Missouri River.  We were hoping to see some awesome boats or something.  We got to a Harris Casino, and thought to go to the highest point to look out at the river, we didn’t see any boats anywhereL. One cool thing was there was a swamp next to the river, and you could hear tons of frogs making their noises.  I totally wanted to explore, but my aunt and uncle didn’t let me.  We drove around the Missouri River area for a little bit, then we decided to head to a Butterfly house in a Faust Park south of where of St. Charles, which was where we were.  We got
to it, and have learned it closed 20 mins before we got there, so we didn’t get
to go in, but that was ok, because the zoo has a small butterfly house with
tons of butterflies.  We decided it was getting late, so we begun the 2 hour drive south west to St. Robert, and get ready for Amanda’s Graduation.
Day 3:
            We got on
to Ft. Leonard Wood around 8:30 AM.  The
graduation was at 10:00, but Amanda told us to get there early, so we can wait
in line to get good seats.   We finally got into the theater at 9:35 and we
sat in the second row on the left hand side of the theater.  We saw the 4 platoons of the 48th
Regiment march in, and we watched the graduation.  I didn’t care about anything but to see
Amanda.  Each person yelled their name to
the audience and then walked off, I was surprised how loud Amanda yelled her
rank and name.  Then she marched right
off the stage in front of us.  After the
graduation, everyone could walk down to the gym where we could me up with the
graduates.  My aunt went right ahead
while I stayed with my Uncle, we were taking pics of the area for Amanda to
remember by.  Uncle Darrell and I finally
got to the gym, and it took us forever to find her.  We finally found my aunt and Amanda, and
while they were waiting for us, my aunt signed out Amanda, to where she can
leave the base and chill with us till 9:00 PM. We first walked over to her barracks, so she can show us where she lived
the past 3 months and so she can get some of her stuff.  We then went to the hotel off base, where she
changed out of her Class A clothing, and into normal Civilian clothing.  Because we really wanted Mexican food, we
went to the best Mexican food restaurant in the area.  The food was ok, but not as great as the Mexican
food we get here in California.  After
lunch, we headed down to Springfield, MO where Amanda got her eye brows dyed,
then we chilled at the mall, because there was nothing else to do down there.  After that, we drove back up to St. Robert,
with a stop at Walmart on the way back. When we got to the Hotel, we chilled for a little bit, then headed back
to the Fort.  We stopped at Burger
King/Churches Chicken on Post to have dinner, and then went real quick to the
PX (Store on base) to buy some things. Then we headed back to her barracks to drop her off.  As 9:50 came around, we said for final
goodbyes, for she gets shipped to Arizona the next day, and took our final pics
till we see her again a few months down the road.  As her regiment got into formation, we
decided to stay and watch them for alittle bit. They had to do exercises and stuff. After about ten mins, one of the drill Sargents came over to where the families
where watching and told us it was time we had to leave, but if we wanted, we
can see them off tomorrow morning.  We got
back into the car, and right away we were like….we are seeing her off
tomorrow.  I text message her, and she
texted back a few times with details of when she would be free to chill until
she leaves for Arizona.  
Day 4:
            We wake up,
eat a fast breakfast, and rush over to the Fort at 8:30 in the morning to chill
with Amanda one last time.  We chilled in
front of her Barracks and at times she had to be called into formation.  We were able to be with Amanda till 10:00
am.  Everyone had to go into formation,
and they marched to the location where the buss would pick them up to take them
to the St. Louis Airport.  At that time,
we said our final goodbyes and took our final pics…..again for the second time,
and watched them march off.  From the
Fort, we began the 2 hour drive back up to St. Louis.  We stopped half way to go to the Meramec Caverns
for a tour.  There are caves all over the
state of Missouri.   These caves where
special because these caves where the hiding location for Jesse James, a Train
Robber during the Civil War.  After the
tour, we continued the drive up to St. Louis with a stop at Taco Bell for lunch.  On the rest of the trip, I was texting
Amanda, for she was on the bus heading to the airport, and it seems that her
bus has passed us while we stopped to eat lunch.  Our original plans where to go to the
butterfly house when it was open and then go to the hotel.  We decided to screw the butterfly house and
head to the St. Louis airport so that we can chill with Amanda some more.  On the drive over there, I was texting her,
and she had learned that we can chill with her till she has to go though security
and go on her flight.  When we got to
Amanda, she was by the USO. There where tons of other military people waiting
till their flights where ready to board. Within 25 mins, we have learned that her flight was delayed till 8:00
Pm, and that is 4 hours away.  Since
there was nothing to do at the airport, and she wanted to see St. Louis, we
real quickly left the airport and went to the Gateway Arch.  It was open, so we got our tickets, and took
the south tram up to the top of the Arch. From the top of the arch, you can see the view of St. Louis and the surrounding
cities to the west, and on the east you can see the Mississippi River and out
into Illinois.  We spend a good 45 mins
at the Arch.  After the arch, we decided
to head back to the airport.  We eat at a
Italian restaurant there was near the security check point.  After dinner, we chilled for about another 20
mins.  Then it was time for Amanda to
head though security and go to her flight. So, for the third and finally the last time, we said our final goodbyes,
and took the final pics, and watched as she went though security to the
airport.  After that, we went to the
hotel and that was the end of our day.

Day 5:
            We woke up
alittle slower then we have the past few days, and we slowly packed everything
up, for today is the day that we go home. We check out of the hotel, and we did some last exploring of St. Louis
before heading to the airport.  We first
stopped at the Missouri Botanical Gardens on the south west side of
downtown.  We spent a good 3 hours
walking around.  Those have to be the
best gardens I have ever been too.  There
were nothing but flowers blooming everywhere, mostly tulips, some pink flower
trees, and daffodils.  For anyone who is
ever in the St. Louis area, I would highly recommend taking a visit at the
botanical gardens.  After the gardens, we
went to Old St. Louis again to have lunch at the Old Spaghetti Factory, then we
headed to the south section of downtown to take a tour of the first brewery and
headquarters of Budweiser.  The tour was
free, and at the end of the tour, you get free beer.  The tour wasn’t as impressive as I thought it
would be, I figured they would show us more of the actually brewing taking
place, but the talked about everything without showing us some of the main
parts.  We didn’t have time to get the
free beer after the tour because we had to rush back to the airport to catch
our flight.  Out flight from St. Louis to
Las Vegas was bumpy the entire way, for there was some crazy weather going on
though out the mid west and the Denver area. When we got to Vegas, we learned that our flight was delayed an hour due
to weather, and so we where there for 2 hours with nothing to do.  We finally landed at Ontario at 11:00 at
night, and we finally got to the farm at 12:00. Didn’t get to sleep till 1:00 AM

This was a great trip, and I am very proud of Amanda for her
accomplishments with boot camp.  I wish
her good luck at her advanced training at Fort Huachuca in Arizona for the next
many months.  As it is right now, Amanda
will be finished with her training and come back to the farm on Oct. 14th.  We will be excited to have her back
then.  After alittle bit, she will return
home to Portland, Oregon to where she will be stationed as a National Guard


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