
Showing posts from 2006

Sometimes i wish

It is nights like tonight, when im sitting here with nothing to do or no one to talk to that i keep thinking that maybe it is time that i move out of the house and out on my own.  I am getting sick of living in an place with nothing to do but go to the movies, go bowling, or mini golf.  I have no clue why people say Redlands, Highland, San Bernardino area is so great when there is nothing to do.  The only thing keeping me here at this time is that i don't have money to support myself alone, and that im not ready to pay my own bills, and be on my own completely.  Someday, when i get married with my true love, i will create an family and live in an place with endless oprotunities of fun, both free and that costs money.  One place that i really want to be is at the beach, but not an beach community with too many people, but plenty of poeple.  It always seem that there is tons to do by the beach all the time, but never over here.  Im starting to get real s...

It is final

As of December 6th, 2006 my fingerprints have been cleared which means i am no longer an 4-H Youth Member....I am now offically an 4-H Adult Leader.   For the past 12 1/2 years i have learned so much, have traveled all over the county, met many great people and friends and now it is time to leave that time behind and start giving back to this wonderful program.  Now I will be an adult leader until i die and i forever will bleed green....that is a promis

Refuge By The Sea

This weekend has been an very long weekend, I am at an conference at Asilomar State Beach on the coast of the beautiful Monterey Bay.  Late Thrusday night my mom, dad, and I drove to Santa Maria, just south of San Luiso Obispo.  Then continued to monterey friday.  The first day of the conference was nice.  Went to the beach to go geocaching, but had no luck finding the cach.  I chilled with josh and my other computer corps hommies the rest of the day.  Today was the busy day with workshops.  I went around taking video footage and photos for a presentation on sunday, which i will be up all night tonight creating.  Just before this Cindy, Josh, Christy, and my self blew 300 ballons into steven workers van and we will be finding out about it soon.   LOL.....i hope to get it on video footage...  Tomorrow we get home....woohoo....i hope i live better on.

An Inconvenient Truth

I saw Al Gore tonight at the University of Redlands speaking the same topic from the movie the video says above. The movie comes out in a few months on DVD and i suggest you see it. Most people don't think to care about Global Warming, but to tell you the truth, 3 years ago it would be ok, but now it has become an crisis and if something isn't done, WE ALL WILL SUFFER from our own mistakes. So do your part, as much as you can, so we can save earth and all living things from human mistakes. This is by far the worst Crisis we have ever DO YOUR PART

Life at the moment

Life at the moment is starting to get real busy.  First, i am starting to get into a massive project helping ESRI employees and the city of Redlands create a map of all the hiking trails in the local hills on the south side of the city.  Building maps on a computer is known as GIS and i am really getting into this wonderful technology.  Yesterday, right after class, i hiked a trail that starts at the golf course of my school.  I learned that Crafton Hills College has a wildlife sencuary at the top of the hills, which is awsome.  I sat at the edge of the hill top for 15 mins, totally quite, listening to nature.  And i felt i relaxed, calm, and peaceful.  After the hike i went home and did nothing more for the rest of the day.      For those who don't know, Ashley and I are no more. We just jumped right into an relationship without first getting to know someone, which killed the relationship at the end.  I always recommend to ge...

San Diego Zoo & today

Today I went to the San Diego Zoo with my Cuz (Her 21st B-day), John, my Uncle, and Aunt.  We left the farm at 5:30 in the morning, took Live Oak Canyon to Hemet, then down to San Diego to save time.  We stoped at Denny's at Hotel Circle in North San Diego for Breakfast, which was after getting lost, we finally mad it to the Zoo in the north part of downtown San Diego.  We had a great time, the only thing was most of the Zoo was filled with school groups from Mexico.  It seems almost all the schools in Baja California, Mexico came across the boader to see the zoo.  They where the worst, nothing but spanish, pushing you out of the way, and being real bitchy.....It seemed we where the only americans in the entire damn park.  But other then that the day was fun.  Afterwards we went home....once i got in the truck, i went out cold and the next thing i knew, we where almost back at the farm, where my parents and sister where going up s...

Piece of Shit

Well, that piece of shit i drive around is in the mechanics place.  Something in the engine is broken, we should find out what has been running real rough the past week and shacks like an earthquake.  Then today while i was just parking at school, my window on was put off track and now my window is broken, I hate this piece of shit going to try and with the monopoly from Mc Donalds so i can get a new car and a cool car.....AHHHHHH......Damn old cars!!!!! 

One crazy night

Tonight was the funnest night i have had in a long ass time.  First scott, jane, and i went to see Jackass was awsome!!!!!.....Now afterwards is when things went a bit crazy.  We first went to TACO BELL....i was thinking Del there i am and they are yelling because i need to learn how to finally we end up at Tace bell so jane is happy.  Then we head for Sunset Dr.  The rich area of redlands.  WE wanted to go to hillside cemetary but we where affraid because it said closed after sundown and the gate was open, but we thought i was just waiting for we try to go geocaching...well, after awhile we gave up because we where in the middle of no where, in the dark, and jane was affraid she would be killed by then we go thought sunset and then drop jane home and took scotty home.....on the way home, scott played around with the flash light which was, im beat and i have a long ass day tomo...

Life of the bored

Tonight was one strange life, for bored college students.  Jane and I decided to hang out at Citric Plaza.  Have starbucks and do some crazy things.  So after i went to buy a new scanner, i went over to pick her up and we just went around.  When we got to target, i bought the soundtrack to the second pirates movie.  Afterwards we just drove all over the place trying to call people to see if they would love to hang out, then we thought, lets do the diet coke and mentos thing.  So we got all the materials.  Then we thought maybe jeff had nothing to do, so we called and he was up so we went to his house to do the diet coke and mentos...well, i was being stupid and tried coping someone from only, only to fail and ended up having a shower if Diet Coke, getting drentched in this soda.  Then we just chilled and talked to around 12:30 and i took Jane home and now im here writting how crazy we were and im ready to sleep and get up later this m...


I ask myself every once in awhile why the hell do i continue on work in what i believe in when no one really cares for what you do.  Sure i still have things to learn but i have worked my ass off these past 12 years and i feel no one gives a shit but a few people.  I feel no one listens to some of my advice and when im talking that no one respects me.  Yes there are a few, but most don't.  For example when my ESRI Speech thing cam about....the only people i heard about was a few close friends and that was it.  I spend hours, days, weeks, personnal time and time i don't even have on this 4-H program and my life and it seems that no one gives a fuck what the hell I am doing and to tell you the turth, it hurts.....if no one appretiates your hard work you get this disapointment feeling or that no one cares and you did all that work for nothing.  Why?  Now i ask Why i still stay and do what i have been doing.  To just get put down again in what i have ...

Learning fast

Well, with this week coming to an end for me i have learned that college doesn't work the same way as highschool.....I have 8 homework assignments due tomorrow, which i only have one done...all together they are only worth 10 i decided i better stop and stay up to par with the rest of the class or i will fall real behind.  So i just studied for my test tomorrow instead of doing all that homework.  This weekend, after working and stuff, i plan on getting back on track with all my classes so i don't fall behind and when it is too late, where nothing can be done....So now i have been planning my schedules out so i have enough time to do all.  College might be easy if you just keep up the work and not fall behind, which after this week i have learned.  Good thing i learned this now and not a week before finals in is what would happen in high school...i was very lucky that i graduated.  YAY for learning

What a weekend

This weekend has been one long ass weekend and im happy that it is over, but this week is going to be even longer....well, friday (which counts for the weekend since i have no school) I worked most of the day, and for those who don't know I work for the UC system for OPERATION: Military Kids. As a web master.  Well Saturday was the South Section 4-H Teen Council meeting, we worked things out on TIC and then we went over to the Leader's COuncil.  Then i went over to the SLF PLanning meeting.  After wards i came home, did homework, got ready to leave, and went to my cuz'z farm so i can work there the next morning selling tomatoes.  I was up late working on biology homework, and then had to wake up at 4:00 in the morning to go sell all day.  By the end of the day i was dead tired....I wasn't even able to talk to Ashley at all, which really sucked ass.  Today, i just had biology, i forgot about doing an outline for a chapter, oops....but i did the lab.  ...


OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got the job for University of California under the operation military kids program building websites and working with there mobil lab.....I start on September 5th......YAY

My poor car

Yeah, two days ago my car was leaving some liquid, almost as a river.  It sucked.  Then after my dad has been trying to fix it, we found out that my heater core is broken.  So now im going to have to get a new heating core.  So for the past two days my mom has been driving me to school, and thank god no one saw i hope my car can be fixed soon so i can go driving again.....YAY

First Week of College

Well, I lived though my first week of college..and is cool but lots of work.    All my classes start at 11:00 am and the latest is on Monday at 4:00 pm.    My biology teacher is awesome but the class is going to be a lot of work..The chapters are huge  L  and we have to outline every chapter, this week we had 3 chapters we had to outline along with 2 labs due on Monday.    My math class teacher is cool, most of the subject is a repeat from last year, but billions of math problems we have to do.    But knowing it already makes things go a lot faster.    My English class is boring as hell and the teacher is telling how all the grammar rules they taught in high school and what your parents teach you are wrong, including the rule about where the I goes.    Other then the classes, Crafton seems to be getting to me, very beautiful in landscaping.    I have to leave 1 ½ hours before class because it takes 30...

The end & a new beginning

For the past 12 years i have traveled all over the country, met some awsome people, worked my but off, and had fun but all things must come to an end.  As of Sunday night, i am no longer an 4-H member.  4-H has changed my life forever, and this past two weeks i have learned many lessions and also had a great time.  For example i spoke to the world last week, about 15,000 people from 98 different countries.  Now it is time to say goodbye to my old life.      Today is the beginning of the rest of my life, i started college today at Crafton Hills College in Yucipa,callifornia.  And i will be giving back what 4-H has given to be by being an leader for thr 4-H program.

Life time experience: Talking to the world

Hello everyone from San Diego, California at the San Dieog Convention Center attending the 26th ESRI User's Conference.  Each year 20 4-H members gets to attend from all over the country and serve on the National 4-H GPS/GIS technology team.  This is the beginning of my 3rd year on this team.  And Thanks to 4-H, and my hard work these past 12 years, i spoke to the world. A few months ago i was asked to speak for 4-H at the conference, what i didn't realize is that i would speak to the world.  Yesterday at 2:00 2 youth from New York, 3 youth from texas, and myself spoke to 15,000 (not a typo) from 98 different countries around the world.  We have worked hours, hours, hours and hours from the World headquaters at ESRI to my house to here in San diego.  I have many photos and video clips of this life time experience and will be creating an video so you all can experience what i have been though.  I just want to thank Tom Tate from USDA in Washington D.C...

Got Driver's License

Hello everyone,      Today i drove out to the desert in Palm Springs and took my driver's test and.....I GOT MY i can drive all over...yay

2nd Nebraska Experience

For those who don't know i was in Nebraska from last sunday till tonight.  And lets say i had a better time with the weather from when i was there in february of 2005 when it was 35 degrees for the high.  I was in sacramento on Saturday and stayed at Steven Workers apartment for the night.  The next day we flew out to Omaha Nebraska, waited for Jess to land, and drive to the state capitol of Lincoln.   We stayed at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in the city campus.  The dorms were just remodeled so it was awsome.  The first person that i ran into was Jacob, we were on the National 4-H Technology Team together.  The next day we picked up Emily from the lincoln airport and we went to have fun. I was doing movie making and we were given a scriped and video clips, we had to make it work.  It is called Chaseing love and it is not that great but it was fun editing it.  During the conference jess, emily, and I went geocaching which was awso...


For those who didn't know, i took my driver's test on tuesday at the Redlands DMV.  I failed.  This is why.  If you have 3 errors you fail.  There was one error where one person has the right away but he was moving so slow and was far away i decided not to wait, because i don't like to wait.  Well the next 2 hits were driving too slow.  I was driving slow in the intersections of a 45 mile per hour zone.  My parents told me to slow down alittle just incase the light changes.  It is safer so you don't end up running a red light.  I was going 38 miles per hour in the intersections.  Now the other count was going to slow on an part of the road. But there was road construction and you are supposed to go 25 MPH but he wanted me at 45.  My dad felt this guy needed to get fired because he is telling use stuff in which can harm our lifes and stuff.  I didn't care much to fight because it would make me look bad even more.  So now i ...

Slowly Dying

Well, i got home from my computer corps meeting and i found out that the our air conditioning was brocken....,IT IS SO DAMN HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like im melting away.....we hope we can get it fixed tomorrow because i can't work like this in the heat, the heat just messes you up when in the 100's.  So for now im just going to have to DIE!!!! 

Computer Corps Meeting

Well, im writing from UC Davis at the Computer Corps meeting.  Most of the day was all buisness, we did talk about some webstuff.  One thing that is great is that i had my work done before the meeting, on time....we are missing some of our members this weekend and the meetings are just not the same with out them.  We went to dinner then talked all about website, which  i am way behind in all of that and so it got real boring, so i was working on the club website and other computer corps stuff.  I am just now putting everything away and going to sleep, and tomorrow is just going to be about one conference which wont be that fun but it has to be done.  Well, peace out, the next time i write i most likely will be telling you about my trip to the National 4-H Technology Conference in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Getting a Job

I knew i was going to have to get a job sooner or later, filling out all the applications and looking from head to toe for one.  Well, i got a phone call from the county office saying that the University of California Riverside was looking for a webmaster for Operation Military Kids (Having military families kids in 4-H Clubs) and they loved my work and would love to hire me.  I never heard of a job finding you, i always thought you were suposted to find the job....strange how that works.  So this friday i will be at UCR going over everything that i need to do and most likely as long as they don't mind that i have to leave for 4-H stuff in August, i will have the job.  I will only work for 10-15 hours a week for now, with a pay of $12.00-$15.00 an hour.  I am so happy that this has happened.  So we will see on friday what happenes and i will let all of you know.

4th of July

My 4th of July was better then what i would have planned out.  I first went with my grandma to the highland 4th of July parade.  It was ok, but it is mostly old cars and stuff....there were some awesome cars i do say.  And i got candy =)  At the end of the parade the fire men got an emergency call so they stopped where they were, put on there fire protection clothing and zoomed off into the city out of the parade.  Afterwards my grandma and I met up with my aunt for lunch, she lives in Riverside so we don't get to hang out much.  After lunch i finally got home and was able to work for a little while before heading out again for my mom's side of the families 4th of July there farm in Yucaipa.  The family all got into the pool and we played water volley team lost by one point because I'm a bad we had a great BBQ and then sat on the lawn of the farm looking at the fireworks being shot off from the Yucaipa ...

A little early

Today was one big day.....An good friend of the family was throwing a party for 4th of July at there cabin up in the mountains in Crestline.  They always shoot fireworks over Lake Gregory the weekend before 4th of July or on the weekend that 4th of July is on.  They don't want the city to be crouded on a weekday up there.  So I drove up the mountain, it was very interesting but in a way fun driving in the curves.  The party was ok, played lots of air hocky and almost killed some little kids doing fireworks where awsome, we just had to walk down the road and we had a great view of the lake and the fireworks....It was awsome because the thunder from the fireworks would ecco off the mountains tops which made it better.  Afterwards we when to hang out a little bit more before we went home...My dad drove because im not that good at driving at night and driving in the mountains at night takes some skills.....which i don't have 

Driver's Permit

I GOT MY DRIVER'S PERMIT ONE HOUR AGO!!!!    I was going to get it yesterday but i forgot we needed a birth certificate so we had to come back today and this time i had everything.  When i was taking the test i was shaking because i was sooooooo nervous.  But i came though and passed the test.  I missed 5, which one of them was because i was stupid and didn't pay attention.  It was one of those trick questions, DAMN IT.....Well tomorrow i am going to get insurance and will start to learn how to drive this weekend, beware drivers 


Graduation can be a long and tiing event.   On the morning of graduation scott picked me up and we went over to take the graduation class photo at the redlands bowl.  Only about 1/3 of the entire class showed up.  Afterwards, scott and I went over to Jeff's house where we hooked up the N64 and played concers (I am such a damn bad speller) Bad fur Day.  Then Jeff came, his mom took photos, and we headed over to Grad practice in the hot blazing sun at 95 degrees.  But it could have been hoter.  Afterwards we went to school to finally do some senior pranks.....but we didn't distroy any property so don't worry  . We had a BBQ od steak and other good food.  Then we rushed over to line up for graduation, where my gown, we found out was ripped in the back and we had to fix it with   The Graduation was nice....thank god it wasn't as hot as we thought it was.  My friends and I were almost all in the same area.  At the e...

First Time

Today was the first time that I have ever voted    It was cool too, it was those touch screens and they are real cool. I got one of those I Voted Stickes, YAY

Last Time

After being in the program for 12 years tonight was the very last East Valley 4-H Club meeting as an 4-H member  .  When the club starts meeting again in september i will be an adult leader in Computers and GPS/GIS Projects. 

Memorial Day

This memorial day weekend i was up at UC Davis for the California 4-H State Field Day, like i have been the past three years now.  For once we flew and not drove on the weekend to Sacramento  , which is a shock.  We flew up Friday night, my family and another 4-H member of our club.  We stayed at the Econo Lodge in Sacramento, it was cheap.  The next morning we woke up early and went to my favorite restaurant up in Davis called Cindy's for breakfast.  When we got to UC Davis, myself, Jess, and Josh from the computer corps set up for the Geo-caching event, which is treasure hunting with a GPS unit.  We did that for five hours.  Since I'm an 4-H State Ambassador I had to read off awards at the awards ceremony and shake everyones hands.  After the event we attended an evaluation meeting and eat dinner there.  Everyone liked the Geo-caching event.  I really wanted to hang out with my friends Matthew and his family but they left early an...

South Section Field Day

Yesterday was the California 4-H Southern Section Field Day where youth from all over southern california come together to compete in a competition of speech, demonstration, judging, and dog show.  I was there as the State Ambassador where i had to wear my suit and stand around and help where ever help was needed.  I normaly work at the food booth for the teen council but this year i can't with me wearing a suit.  I was the emcee for the afternoon program and i had to give a speech thing, which due to time i had to improvise part of it instead of read off everything.  Then the results were still not in so we had to stall, which i hate to stall, it is just makes us look dumb when it is not our fault.  O well. It went ok.  I got 2nd place on the judging contest.  NExt saturday I will be up at UC Davis for the state wide competition for this.  I will be running an 5 hour gps even for people to do while they wait for the awards and other stuff to happ...
Saturday night was my school prom located in Costa Mesa, near the beach.  I put on my suit with a silver shirt and tie and headed down to Jeff's house.  Of course I had to go back home because i forgot my ticket out of all the dumb things  .  When everyone got to Jeff's house we took some photos and headed our way to dinner in the limo.  On the way down manual got sick from not eatting anything all day, which was not fun, barfing out the window on the freeway  .  We got to the mall and ate at Rain Forest Cafe....scotty was able to find us after going to six flags.  After dinner we headed over to the prom and with luck scott was able to get in the prom by buying the ticket at the door.  The place where we had the prom was nice, indoors and outdoors....We stayed outdoors most of the time.  They had dipin Dots, free, and a CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN!!!!! It was awsome.....I will try to get a slideshow soon on my profile with photos when i find time...

AVID Sr. Event

Last night was the AVID Sr. Reconition (Bad spelling  ) at the University of California Riverside.  We took a bus from school to Riverside and arrived there just in time when we all started walking in.  This event had many highschool seinors from all over southern california.  There was about 1,900 AVID Seinors.  Our Avid teacher gave us our shashes and our medalions right before going in the event.  We sat near the back and couldn't hear anything that the speakers were saying.  When it was time for them to stand up for our school everyone was quite, but noelle, in chearing.  In my opinion it was a waste of time.  We got back at school around 9:30.  My display photo (Was posted on Myspace) is with my friends Jeff and Noelle.  We are wearing our shashes and our medalions.


On Weds. and Thurs. after school i attended my freshmen orientation for Crafton Hills College.....I can't believe that in three months i will be in college.  I will be registering for classes on July 11th, 2006 and from this orientation i got my first college units and grade, which is an A   What a great way to start college don't you think.  School will start August 14th....the day after state leadership conference


There has been a lot that has been going on in the past few months and there is something that I learned.  That when people have problems with another person.....they don't come and talk about the problem themselfs.  I feel that if someone has a problem that needs to be fixed go to the person you have a problem with and talk things out.  Don't get pissed off and shut them out, if you where friends, or don't have someone else try to deal with your problems.  In high school that might work but in the real life getting other people to solve your problems for you can get you no where or get you in even more trouble.  Depending on the problem....if a person goes thourgh someone else, and use there power to solve the makes that person look like a bitch in my eyes. Someone who just doesn't fix problems them self and get other people involved makes that person look real bad....and not to just a few people....but alot.....If some people don't change the wa...

Assessment Test

Today is the beginning of planning out my next two years.  Before school I took the College Assessment Test in math and english.  This test will see what classes i will be taking next year at Crafton Hills College in Redlands.  Each time I answered a question the computer would beep and for some reason it refused to shut off the speakers so every time i have to answer a question it beeped.  It was kinda funny.  Thursday I have a meeting with a guidince counculor to sign up for classes.......Im so happy......

La Jolla

Today is the second day of my trip in San Diego.  The state ambassadors when to La Jolla Cove, a famous beach in San Diego, and shot film for a movie for the conference we are planning.  The beach was closed do to Harbor Seal Breeding but we were able to film still.  Letter 7 will be producing the video.  The beach was real awsome, it was nice and beautiful.....If i had time i would be swimming but nope.  The rest of the day was the tech team meeting and went home to prepare for the school day tomorrow 

San Diego Meetings

For those who even care about what I do in my life......I am in San Diego at the moment.  Right now im sitting in a hotel room with one room mate off having fun while the other one is sleeping on the other bed.  Im on bed closest to the window and I am real bored.  Today was the State Ambassador/SLC Planning committee meeting.  The meeting was ok.  I woke up at 5:00 am and left the house at 6:45 am.  We arrived in San Diego just in time to pick some people up from the airport and went to UC San Diego, the location of the 2006 State Leadership Conference, the conference we are planning.  When we finally got to commettiee meeting, my committee, the recreation committee went around the campus to plan out where the events are going to be held.  On my display photo, i am standing where the DJ for the formal dance will be, outside.  It is going to be awsome.  Tomorrow is the tech team meeting and i will be going to the beach in the morning to ...

AVID Overnighter Field Trip

From Thursday till saturday last week I was on an field trip though the state of california visiting 6 different colleges with a organization called AVID, which prepares us for college.  The first college we visited was Fresno State Univerisity.  The college is nice but i would not attend the school due to the location in the central valley, almost in the middle of nowhere.  The second college we visited on the first day was CSU Stanislaus in the city of turlock.  This campus was beautiful, and has water fountains all over the place and i love water fountains.  After that college we continued to Sacramento, my home away from home, and stayed in a Quality Inn on the outskirts of the city in Rancho Cordovia.  We waited for 1 1/2 hours to get our hotel rooms because the hotel lost our reservations, just like last year  .  The next morning we visited the state capitol building but was unable to take a photo in front due to the fact that President Bush...

First Loto Ticket

I got my first loto ticket a few days ago, first five tickets.  It is awsome that I am 18, so i can play, WHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! I won $2.00.  Not bad for the first time, well someday in the future i will win the big one, i can feel it.

Easter Day

For Easter, like every year, was at my cuz's house in Yuciapa.  Fisrt we had a great meal with ham from pigs that they raised on there farm.  Freash farm raised ham is out of this world.  The best damn ham i ever have had in my life.  I brought my video camera along with me, once i finish it i can get it posted on my profile.  After lunch my sister and I went to visit there 6 year old horse Rozie.  Then took a look at the tomato crops along with the crops of maui onions and cucumbers,  Then we went back to have dessert stawberry pie, which was awsome.  My cuz's gave me a candle holder with coffee beans with a candle on top.  It is awsome, i will have a photo of it on here later.  After dessert we went inside the hot house and see the chickens near the horse.  We had a great time and now i am regreting going to school tomorrow.  At least it is the start of 4th quater 

Career Day

Today was career day at school.  Now after being at the school for 4 years and gone to 3 career days, i wasn't real happy about this one  .  But is went alittle differently then what i thought, they had careers represented that i was interested in.  My first session was an Environmental Science session where we talked about different current issues in the state and what type of things you need to do inorder to get a career in this field, which for those who don't know, I want to be an environmental scientist.  My second one is a person from Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI).  I kinda knew everything the person talked about but i did learn there are internships at ESRI for college students in the summer, which i might want to apply for a few years down the road.  My last session was CA State Park Ranger.  I was wondering all they do and i learned that i can be an environmental scientist and make some good money working for them. Wel...

World of bordum

Scott and I planned to try the Diet Coke and mentos thing but instead of a fountain, make them explode.  After 4 tries we decided to stop and just use the 2 litters on the fountain like everyone else does.  There will be video within two weeks on what we did.  Afterwards we ate at In & Out.  Then went driving all over including my old house where i grew up.  Then we took someone form highland to redlands.  Then I contact noelle to see what she was up to, which is nothing, so we went to bowl two games.  I won the first game   and got that last place on the second game  .  After bowling we went to best buy in san bernardino to look around, scotty got some dvds including South Park.  Then we finally got gass and scott droped me off at home.  That was the best day of my spring break.  The video will show what really happened that day. 

Spring Break Begins :(

Today is the beginning of spring break and unlike most peoples spring break there will be no time to just sit back and relax.  Which sucks big time.  First I have an grant from the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) where I have to make many different maps from GPS points I collect with an GPS unit.  I put this information in an database using Microsoft access and then creating a map using ESRI's software.  Making maps on computers is known as Geographical Information Systems, a very complex technology.  Other then that, I will be working on improving the three 4-H websites that I am in control of, work on planning a conference, do a job shadow, finish an research report, and other homework.  So this is going to be a long and tiring spring break.  I do hope that all of you have a great spring break and I will see s few of you back in school on Apirl 10 th .  

Article Contents

Article from the front page of the Redlands Facts. Below is the article, which explains some things i have been dedicated to for most my life. 4-H Club is about more than animals VANESSA D. OVERBECK , Staff Writer Though the East Valley 4-H Club¹s roots lie in agriculture and animal husbandry, the club¹s unique flexibility has allowed it to evolve with the changing interests of America¹s youth. John Trammel is the East Valley 4-H Club¹s resident technology expert and is leading the club¹s foray into geographic information systems technology. The club received a software grant, giving them 25 copies of a GIS program from Redlands-based ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute) for use in a community service learning project. "Without ESRI, this project would not be feasible," John said. The technology bug bit John at a national 4-H technology conference held in St. Louis in 2004. He and 400 other 4-Hers participated in a volunteer project that invol...

Only 3 Months

Today marks the 3 month until graduation.  Is some ways that is a happy thought and in other ways it is a sad thought. I am going to be glad to get out of school.  My english teacher calls me her classic under achiever and yet i do all the work, ALL!!!.  I got an eassy back and because i did only a few small mistakes i got a 65%.....It pisses me off after i work hard to do stuff like that.  It is sad because most of my friends will be gone and there will be really no one who is local.  I will be all by myself with just two or three other friends.  Most of my friends are already all over this nation.  Losing more is just not making me happy right now. They would say that it gets easier when it gets to graduation but hell no, i almost feel that the teachers are out to get you so they can try and not get you to graduate.  Im just happy that it is 3 months away.

Goodbye Dial-up intetnet

My entire life i have suffered with Dial-up Internet.  After three months of convincing, my dad finally ordered online Cable internet from Aldelphia  .  In 8-10 days all the stuff will be sent to us and it will be set up.  I have not been this happy in a long time.  I never thought this day was going to come 

Funeral and my cuz's

Today was my cuz's Grandma's Funeral.  The funeral was ok.  My one cuz flew down from Portland to attend the funeral.  I don't get to see her much anymore so it was great seeing her.  During the funeral my cuz's cuzes were very disrespect full.  Telling stories about how she fell down and they just laughed.  Now if she was a young person it would have been funny but when you are old to where a fall can really do some damage you don't laugh about it.  There were also many other things by the other family that was just so disrespect full.  After the funeral we went for 30 mins to the wake (or how ever you spell it) We just wanted to show respect.  We hated all the people there since they were disrespectfull.  I don't care who you are, you always need to be respectful to love ones who have passed on. That in some ways was the worst funeral I have ever been to. After we left my one cuz rode with us in the truck while her sister and my aunt a...

The First!!! Best Ice Cream Ever!!!!

OMFG!!!!! I just had my very first ColdStone in Davis, California while going to lunch.  I had Cheesecake with brownies.  It is the best damn ice cream in the world, other then Starbucks Coffee Ice Cream.  Other then Coldstone my meeting went ok, And it was shorter then normal and for once i didn't get a starbucks at the airport.  Something must be wrong with me

AVID Macaroni Grill Night

Yestersday 10 of the AVID Sr Class decided to go to the Macaroni Grill in Redlands.  Jeff came to my house around 3:00 to pick me up, we got there before anyone esle, everyone came about 30 mintues later and they had a great time, afterwards we went walking around the shopping center.  By the time we got to Koels everyone left but Jeff, Collen, and myself.  We went to Game Stop to visit Allie (or how ever you spell her name) at work, she was happy we stopped by, she was bored to death almost. Then we went to Jamba Juice, It was awsome, then Jeff took me home.  We were out for five hours

2006 TIC

For the past year I have been president of the Southern 4-H Sectional Teen Council.    One big job of being president of the council is to plan and run a Teen Involvement Conference, A.K.A. TIC.    I have been work my ass off for the year getting applications ready, getting a guest speaker, and making sure that the workshops are all planned out.    The Conference is three days long and it is every third weekend of January. And it is held at a camp near  Idyllwild ,  California , In the San Bernardino County Forest. Friday came around; I first went to school and left early at 11:30.      When I got home I got everything together, which I was up until 1:30 the past night getting everything that I needed together.     When I got up there my committee was there and ready to help.    From 5:00 to 8:30 I had people show from  Imperial   County  all the way to  San Luis Obispo   County ....

Yesterday's quest for fun

Yesterday morning I had three meetings at Mt. SAC Community college.  My best friends from imperial valley were there.  After each of these meetings we always go and eat or try to have some fun.  After the meeting we wanted to eat somewhere that was different then all the other places that we ate at in the past. So we went to the Rainforest Cafe in Ontario Mills, one of the best malls in southern California.  This place is awsome.  It has fish tanks all over the place, and animal stuff.  The food was real great.  For desert my friend's mom ordered something called volcano.  Once it comes you have to yell VOLCANO!!!! Which we did along with everyone else in the cafe.  It was just soo fun being there.  Afterwards we wanted to see about going bowling, well we got to redlands and the bowling place was all booked.  So for about one hour we just played video games in the arcade, which was still fun.  There was this car racing game an...

First trip to UC Davis this year

Two days ago I had my first trip to UC Davis to the state 4-H office.    I got off the airplane at the  Sacramento  airport and I went strait to, yeah you guessed it, starbucks.    After starbucks I met up with the other members of the state tech. team that was flying in.    We got a rental car and drove 20 minutes to UC Davis.    Everything was usual.    This is the first meeting with the new team.    It felt strange, many of the people who have been on the team for years where no longer there and we only had one new person on the team.    He is cool.    At night we went geo-caching, which is you find something with a gps unit that someone you have no clue who it is hid it.    We started at 10:00 at night and ended at 11:30.   The next day we learned Macromedia flash with the lab, but since I had the program on my laptop, I just used my computer, which is a lot better then our mobil...

New Years Eve

HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!!!!! I hope that everyone had a great new years.  For New Years I went to my cuz's house in Yucipia.  We first had dinner then we opened presents.  They were in Oregon for Christmas so we all opened presents from them last night.  After the presents we had desert and watched National Tresure.  Then we went home because my parents are party poopers.  We watched the ball drop at home, which my parents we both asleep in there chairs so the missed it. LOL.   HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!