South Section Field Day

Yesterday was the California 4-H Southern Section Field Day where youth from all over southern california come together to compete in a competition of speech, demonstration, judging, and dog show.  I was there as the State Ambassador where i had to wear my suit and stand around and help where ever help was needed.  I normaly work at the food booth for the teen council but this year i can't with me wearing a suit.  I was the emcee for the afternoon program and i had to give a speech thing, which due to time i had to improvise part of it instead of read off everything.  Then the results were still not in so we had to stall, which i hate to stall, it is just makes us look dumb when it is not our fault.  O well. It went ok.  I got 2nd place on the judging contest.  NExt saturday I will be up at UC Davis for the state wide competition for this.  I will be running an 5 hour gps even for people to do while they wait for the awards and other stuff to happen.  There is going to be around 600 4-Hers there next weekend.  Can't wait.


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