Uncut and Proud!

*This blog post is considered informal, where parts are written as free writing practices, along with adding some research to back up the free write.  Content warming: This blog contains topics people might find uncomfortable from reading*

I am uncircumcised!  You read that right.  Let me explain why I am writing on this.  I have a fear of telling people that I have a foreskin due to risk of being made fun of, or worse, people find me disgusting because of something I have that is fully natural.  Honestly, being made fun of something like this can cause some emotions.  What causes this fear?  Just being around people and hearing them talk about how people with foreskins are disgusting and terrible.  In the dating/relationship world, I find it tough because many girls wont go near a guy if they say they are intact, which I find very ridiculous.  Now you might be asking why am I bringing this up now?  Because there are a few times, not very often, that I question why uncircumcised penises are looked down on.  Then I start to question if I should get cut, then I think why would I have a person cut off something from my penis!  No Way!  With this blog, I want to just right out what I am thinking, and get these thoughts out of my head!  After I do some reading of the topic, and thinking of my own observations, I have to say I am very proud to be uncircumcised, and I will not let anyone bring me down!  

Note:  Sorry if I bring some very personal information into this blog.  I am posting this online so I can just get my thoughts on line.  Honestly, I am not even telling people I wrote this blog.  If they see it, and read it, I am fine with it.  If they think less of me for writing this stuff, then they aren't my true friends.  I know my true friends won't matter.  Honestly, I am sooo tempted to post a photo of my penis to show how proud I am, but I decided not to go that far.  Some people might get disturbed, even though there is nothing gross or wrong with my penis.  

Alright.  So my first thought is that every male is born with a foreskin.  Back in the time I was born (1987), it was custom to circumcise a baby boy's penis right after they are born.  Let me clarify that this is pertaining to the United States.  If you go off the theory of evolution: over time if the foreskin doesn't have a full purpose, wouldn't we eventually have evolved to not have a foreskin.  If you look at all other male mammals of the natural world, they all have foreskins as well.  If all male mammals have foreskins, there has to be a purpose!   For the creationists:  A popular saying, especially from moms to their children is, "You are made 100% under god's vision".  In my eyes, that phrase could be not fully true, for that child will think that it was gods vision to have all males with no foreskin; in reality the parents decided to get rid of it.  The foreskin has a purpose, and I did some research that I am mentioning after I write my thoughts out.  

Now I had always had the question why I was not circumcised at birth.  I could just ask my parents, but that would be an awkward thing to talk about with them, so I will just say the three possibilities.  The first and what I think the real reason why: I was born two months early.  For those who understand, that could mean health issues (some fatal) for the baby, and doctors must act accordingly to help make sure the child will survive.  I think my parents and the doctors concern was more ensuring my life is not in danger than working about trimming my tip.  I bet the thought didn't even cross their minds.  Second theory:  My mom's side of the family is from Europe, and circumcision in Europe only really occurred to the Jew populations.  Since I am not Jewish, and my mom follows her European traditions (she was born in Croatia), she didn't have me cut.  The third and last reason (which I think is very very unlikely) is they did not have me circumcised because they wanted me to have the choice.  Why do I think that might not be very likely? Because not that many people talked about it.

Now for my other thoughts.  I find it interesting that I have heard that the United States seems to be the only country that had circumcised a majority of their boys.  The rest of the world doesn't.  Most of the time if you live in other parts of the world, you are circumcised due to religious beliefs.  Like many topics, you hear many rumors as to why this has come about.  Many say because it is better hygiene for you.  I seem to learn that we American's are getting lazier over time.  It is not that hard to keep an uncircumcised penis clean.  When you have to take a piss: pull the foreskin back, piss, shake to make sure its all gone, recover your penis glands. Done.  If you really want to be careful, even use toilet paper after you are done to clean up.  While in the shower, it takes less than a second to pull back the skin to wash.  It is not that hard!  Now people will add more to the hygiene and say that it gives higher risk to prostate cancer or STD's.  Do you know how many things can cause cancer?  I am not to sure how they figure out prostate cancer with having a foreskin.  Or contracting STD's.  As long as a guy keeps clean, just as routine as brushing your teeth, you should be fine.  Other people will state that this trend started back in the great depression, when people had no way to keep clean because of poor living conditions, so they decided to just cut all the boys to prevent that.  Funny, never heard about that in history class in the hygiene section of the great depression time period.  

Looks.  Because almost every single boy was cut, American society has come to this point of being attracted to foreskin less penis.  Look at all the porn images out there, or nudity images (please only look if your are 18 years of age and older). If I was a girl growing up, and saw all of this, it would seem that is what society excepts as what a penis should look like.  With this, most girls (at this current time) think and intact penis is unattracted, ugly, disgusting.  I know its true.  I have overheard many conversations between my peers, especially girls, talking about the subject where they would never go near one because of how gross they are, and they are scared of disease.  Pop culture has made this a theme, form my observations, to a social excepting look for the penis. 

Now I do have to say, things are changing.  There have been a few instances that I have over heard kids talking about the topic, as I would be walking by, or in the same room.  Also from older people's opinions on the topic today, it seems that circumcision is down in the US, really down.  Honestly, I was happy to over hear younger youth randomly talking about it.  Why?  Not because I am a freak, come on now really?  Because I know that soon I won't feel as along being uncut in the next few years.  I know friends who have had children say that hospitals don't even preform them anymore.  People have to visit a separate medical clinic to get their son's cut. Funny, I have heard some of my friends say they didn't want to get their son's circumcised, but they did it so the kid wouldn't feel different from their fathers.  Really?  I didn't care when I was a kid.  Yeah I was a little curious why I was different, and while growing up learned my guys friends were different, but it didn't change me emotionally, except for when I got older and didn't feel like I belong at times (honestly that only happens once in a blue moon with me, and am considered a very happy person, except my weight, but thats another story).  

Before I get into the research side, I do hear from people the sexual sensation is more intense to guys who have a foreskin.  It makes sense.  Sorry if this discuss you but hey, everyone does it so shut up!  When I masturbate, I do experience amazing increased pleasure when foreplay with my foreskin.  Also people have told me that the penis head stays protected because of the foreskin and stays moist which also increases sensitivity.  Now most of this has come from over hearing other people talk about it.  I never have brought the topic to attention to where people would know I was uncut, due to the fears I mentioned earlier.  Honestly, currently only three people (outside my parents and any family members who might remember I am intact) Two of which I have dated, and one is one of my few best friends.  Funny thing, the three of them are girls.  I am most afraid of telling guys, even my closest guy best friend, because of how he has talked about the topic in casual conversations.  All because I dont want to be teased in it or looked down on.  Even though I know he wouldn't and that wouldn't change anything of our friendship, I still am afraid of letting him know. Of course, strangely I am writing this blog to get that fear out of my system, even though I am not telling people I wrote this blog.  Because of this news i hear about the sexual stuff, it makes me feel good that I can experience way better pleasure than all my friends who are cut.  They might talk it down, but they would have no true say since they never had the chance to experience what it is like to have a foreskin.  

Ok, now my last believes and sayings before research time.  Overall, I am proud that I am uncircumcised!  Every guy who has a foreskin should!  The last big controversy is that baby's have rights as well, and it shouldn't be up the parents to make the choice for their son that will effect their entire life.  This said, I disagree to circumcision to children, unless religious reasons or some weird medical reason.  All guys should have the right to decide for themselves if they want to keep their foreskin or get it removed.  I want to have a family, and I am really hoping for a son or two.  They will NOT be circumcised.  I will make sure the person I marry understands that.  Honestly, I am such a big believer on that, I won't marry someone who believes they need to be cut at birth.  

So I hope all the above makes sense, and that the people who do read this, if any, don't think of me different because my foreskin is intact.  If anyone is curious about the topic, feel free to ask me about it.  I know this is very unlikely, but if some of you are even curious as to seeing an uncircumcised penis, either google it or ask me and I would be glad to show you.  I would be comfortable with that if I knew the person was very open to the idea, not judgmental, and just trying to see what I have under my pants.  

If you want a fun way to learn about all of this, just watch the Penn and Teller's Bullshit show episode on circumcision.  They did a great job.  

Research on topic

The below facts come from http://circumcisiondecisionmaker.com who talks about all the facts and lists their sources.

The foreskin is a vital, functional part of the male genital anatomy. It is not a birth defect. Therefore, if there is not an absolutely urgent reason for removing it, it should remain intact—for ethical, psychological, and sexual reasons. The boy himself, when he is old enough, is the only person who should make any decision affecting the looks and function of his penis. 

The foreskin is intact in most Europeans, and in 80-85% of all other men around the world. At one time, virtually all Americans were intact, too. Circumcision became popular in the Victorian era because doctors (mistakenly) thought it curbed masturbation, which they viewed as an unhealthy practice.3 The circumcision rate increased due to social reasons and peaked in 1980 at 85%. Since then it has been declining steadily, dropping to 56% in 2006 and plummeting to 32% today.4 

Circumcision has never been proven to be effective in either reducing or treating cervical cancer, penile cancer, urinary tract infections, or sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS.13 

Circumcision regularly removes a shocking 3/4 of the penis’ sensitivity through the removal of the ridged band, foreskin “lips,” and most often the entire frenulum.6 

Contrary to frequent claims, infants do feel pain as intensely as adults, and very possibly even more.5 

Alright, so honestly, I am kinda over writing and researching on this.  Yes I only used on website.  I was going to do more, but I am getting tired on the topic.  Honestly, do your own research, and even watch a video of how circumcisions are done.  Would you put someone through this?  Even though they won't remember down the road, it still wrong to cause pain like this.  Anyway.  In the end you know what my thoughts are, and I posted just a few interesting research points to grab interest.  For those who don't know, I am a photographer, and every once in awhile I think of getting into artistic nude photography, and with that have a project of shooting as many different uncircumcised men as possible to send a statement, but I really don't have the time for a project like that anytime soon. Ok, im off to play video games.  The free write worked cuz Im not thinking of it anymore.  


  1. good post, I know where you're coming from, and I'm glad you came to the conclusion you did. You're right that it's not something we should be cutting off - let alone from children who don't get any say in the matter.

    Keep speaking out about this - maybe let some of your closer friends know that you believe children should have the right to choose for themselves. They should do you the honour of hearing you out - and I bet if you tell them what you've learned they'll be inclined to agree with you.

    You can make a difference by speaking out - despite that nervous feeling that comes from knowing you're in a minority in your area.

    1. Thanks! It took me a few mins to click the update on it. I am not sure why I get so nervous about it. Yet again, I was born in a time period when over 85% of males was circumcised. Funny, while doing my looking about the topic on the social networks I found out this week is an awareness week for activists called Inactivists to promote not to cut their sons at birth. It is quite interesting

  2. John, I commend you for your honesty. I myself just recently started educating myself on this subject, and realized that the dissatisfaction and resentment I have felt after having sex with only cut men was because they didn't have their foreskin to make sex pleasurable for me. All these years I thought something was wrong with me. How wrong I was. Please be thankful and proud of the fact that you are intact and your parents loved you enough to go against the norm and keep you unharmed.

    1. Thank you! I wish more people would be like you. Many women hear of a guy being intact and turn right around in disgust, and wont even educate themselfs to realize sex is better with a foreskin, and it is way healthier for a guy to have a foreskin than not to have one. Because of that fear of disgust, I have kept quite, but not any longer

  3. I'm also uncut and Hate America's View of us Uncut men,Like you said Women are disgusted by an uncut penis,They don't Realize an Uncut Penis is Made for the Vigina of the woman,the Foreskin rubs the Clitoris during Intercourse and provides lubrication while there having intercourse,The Woman has NO PAIN,intercourse is Easy and with a Cut penis the head draws ALL the Lubricants Out so she's dry inside,that's why it hurts most Women with sex!!!!
    Circumcision is WRONG,The Egyptions started it because they thought if like a snake it got cut it kept living so it was the closest thing to a snake on a man and thought they would be Immortal!!!!
    No man but Jesus is immortal and circumcision was even said to end in the Bible,You Circumcise your HEART,NOT YOUR BODY!!!!!


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