Spring Break Begins :(

Today is the beginning of spring break and unlike most peoples spring break there will be no time to just sit back and relax.  Which sucks big time.  First I have an grant from the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) where I have to make many different maps from GPS points I collect with an GPS unit.  I put this information in an database using Microsoft access and then creating a map using ESRI's software.  Making maps on computers is known as Geographical Information Systems, a very complex technology.  Other then that, I will be working on improving the three 4-H websites that I am in control of, work on planning a conference, do a job shadow, finish an research report, and other homework.  So this is going to be a long and tiring spring break.  I do hope that all of you have a great spring break and I will see s few of you back in school on Apirl 10th.  


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