First trip to UC Davis this year

Two days ago I had my first trip to UC Davis to the state 4-H office.  I got off the airplane at the Sacramento airport and I went strait to, yeah you guessed it, starbucks.  After starbucks I met up with the other members of the state tech. team that was flying in.  We got a rental car and drove 20 minutes to UC Davis.  Everything was usual.  This is the first meeting with the new team.  It felt strange, many of the people who have been on the team for years where no longer there and we only had one new person on the team.  He is cool.  At night we went geo-caching, which is you find something with a gps unit that someone you have no clue who it is hid it.  We started at 10:00 at night and ended at 11:30. The next day we learned Macromedia flash with the lab, but since I had the program on my laptop, I just used my computer, which is a lot better then our mobile lab that we use to teach computer stuff too.  Then I hanged out with a few of my friends that live in the Davis area and went back to the airport and went home.


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