My 4-H Story--1998--Fourth Year in 4-H

My 4-H Story Written 1998 Age: 10 Year in 4-H: 4 My name is John Trammell and I am a junior 4-H member this year. This is my 4th year in 4-H. This has been a very busy and exciting year for me. I am just finishing 4th grade at Cram Elementary. I have a sister, Ashley that is in 1st grade. My dad, Steve, is the photography leader for our club and my mom, Rozie, is the community leader. I have a Dalmation dog named Ryce and a cat named Buster. I also have a Beta (type of fish) and I call him Mr. B. I like to collect rocks and fossils and I also like to collect Lionel Trains. My favorite sport is swimming. I LOVE to go to the beach. My favorite place is Laguna Beach. We try to go on several educational family trips each year. Each place we go we try to learn something new. My 4-H year started out great with one of my photographs that won a Best of Show at last years San Bernardino County Fair that was ab...