If I Won
I slowly awaken to the warmth of the sunlight touching my skin. I get out of bed to begin my day. I glance at my desk, and noticed the lottory ticket I purchased the night before. I stared at it for a few moments, thinking if it is worth checking. I know I didn't win. After debating on rather I would check the numbers or not, I decided to look them up. I went to the lotto website, and I bring up last nights winning numbers. I got the first number. Cool. I wont get another number. Sweet! I got the second number. I win a $1. No way! Got the third number? My heartrate begins to pick up. My eyes begin to open wider. I checked the remaining numbers. No fucking way! I rechecked the numbers 10 times. I am shocked! I had won millions of dollars. My life is about to become super epic!
Winning the lottory jackpot is a dream of thousands, possibly millions. What would I do if I have won millions? This is a topic that gets brought up every once in awhile when hanging out with friends. The answer can vary depending on my age, my dreams, and my moods. I feel the answer of how I would handle this large sum of money would be interesting. That is the topic of this post.
I enjoy sharing aspects of my life online, through social media. When I realize I have won, my first instinct would be to share with the world about my new fortune. I would force myself back. Is it wise to tell people about winning? My opinion: NO! I would not make my winings public. I most likely not even share this great news with my family. I know that everyone would attempt to ask for a piece of money or for an luxery item. I would first contact the lottory offices and claim the award. The first choice would be how to recieve the payment. All at once or take monthly payments for a long period of time (most likely 30 years)? Having millions of dollars right away sounds like heaven. I could buy things and do things instently! That is probably a mistake. I am in my high 20's. About to graduate college and needing to find a career. If I took the monthly payments for 30 years, that could make my life extremely comfortable and less stressful. The payments would be a more responsible route to take. That will be the method of payment I choose.
As the payments begin coming in, the excitement will begin. No way! I have all this money. What am I going to do with it? I am unsure. My goal would first to not make any big life changes. I am still in college. Still living at home. You may think, oh he is going to move out. Though I really love that idea, moving and making large changes in my life would be a major distraction. It would effect my school work. I would stay at home, and graduate school. My money supply will increase and I will just be focused on finally becoming an educated person of the community. I graduate. My job as a Naturalist comes to an end. It is summer. I want to celebrate my success. My first major usage of my winnings is a trip. Unsure where this trip would take me. I would have the trip in two parts. The first trip would be with family and friends. The second would be just with my close friends. It willbecome time to share with my parents about my winnings, and that I will pay for the trip. Only requirement I would have is that my friends do not know the money came from me. During the second portion of the trip, while being with my close friends, I would have to figure out a way to share the great news. I want to make sure they remain my true friends, so I may first organize a test. Would they be my true friends after some type of senerio plays out? Unsure what the test would be. Maybe reviel a deep secret or something. The trip comes to an end. My family and my very close and true friends learned of my winnings. Now is the time to move out and get my adult life put into full swing.
I want a house. A house that would be designed and built from my image. The biggest question would be where? I love California. My main residence must be in the state. I would look for land. A good sized piece of land. Why? Because I would love to have the feeling of being more in a rural, natural environment. I would pick either of the two areas: in a forest in the mountains (most likely the Sierra Nevadas or more locally, the San Bernardino Moutains) or somewhere along the coast. My idea of dream house would be a modern rustic cabin/natural style house. I dont care for having a mansion. Just a good sized home. Maybe 5 bedrooms, an office, and a good sized family room, living room, kitchen. A patio in the back. A good sized backyard area. I would have the house designed and built before I move out of my parents. Living alone would not be fun. I would offer friends an opportunity to move in as roommates. I would not charge a rental fee,but they would have to assist with utilities. I know my friend Jane would be one friend to move in.
While the house is being built, I would purchase a car. Nothing crazy like a super car, but a higher class car that has good power. I would also give a gift to a few people who have made a major impact on my life. Each gift would be unique, helpful to them, and thoughtful. My parents, close friends, and mentors would be on that list for a gift. Once I am settled into my house, I will get bored. I need something to do. I will begin searching for a job. Yes, I have money, but it would be nice to have a career in a field I enjoy, like environmental conservation. From each pay check, I would put away half into savings for future use. Eventurally, thd lotto payments will end, and I will need money. I also planto invest in order to help with financials down the road.
Helping the community would be important. As I recieve more of my winnings, I will use some of it to benefit the community in some way. The 4-H program will benefit, but a few projects/events/programs with the organization that would greatly benefit from a donation. I would give moneytowards organizations that are working o environmental conservation projects. If I feel the money wont go to a purpose I would like, I may buy land and donate it to a nature preserve system.
Many people dream of winning the lotto and having a large sum of money to spend all at once. As of right now, if I was older, that may sound nice but since I am young, I would take the responsible route. The only other thing I didn't mention is that as time moved foreward, I would travel. There is so many places to see and many things to experience in this world. Sadly, money keeps us from having these opportu ities. I would travel and take people with me.
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