A Kitten and My Mom's Unethical Choice

     I am not happy with my mom right now.  She first was a hero that possibly saved a kitten's life, then turned right back around to put that kitten's life back in danger.  I was playing Halo 4 on Xbox Live when my mom comes walking into my room.  She had said she had an emergency and I needed to take something up to my aunt (her sister) at the farm.  I stopped playing, shut off the Xbox, and went downstairs.  While doing so, my mind began to question what type of emergency would there be that would need me to drive up to the farm?  Especially when my mom and my aunt's relationship is not that great due to family drama from when their dad died.  She takes me into the garage where I see a large clear plastic tub with a blue lid.  She opened up the lid, and in the corner, bundled and whining was a orange tabby kitten.  She was at her work (Clement Middle School) and she saw kids hurting the kitten.  She went over and saved the kitten, and brought it home.  This was the right and ethical thing to do.  Her intentions was for me to take the kitten up to my aunt's house, in the hopes that they would take the kitten off their hands; I would be the person to get them to do this.  I know they would not take in another animal.  Trust me, their hands are full in animals.  I did not want to go.  I already knew what the outcome would be.  My mom told me I had to go right away, and I said I had to stop off at the gas station first since I had no gas.  She offered to pay for my gas and gave me $30.00.

     I first tried calling my cousin Amanda.  No answer.  Tried calling my aunt.  No answer.  Got a hold of my cousin Krystal.  Began talking to her about the kitten when her mom called me back.  It seemed they were in Riverside, and about to head on their way home.  She had given me advise for what to do for the kitten.  E.g. food, keep the kitten from the other cats, eta.  She said she would be happy to take a look at the kitten to see if it is alright, and help spread the word to find a home for the kitten, but can't take the kitten under her wings.  I already knew that was going to be the case.  I told my mom.  She said fine, I will just have to take the kitten back to my school tonight.  I gave her back the gas money.  I stopped and thought about ways I can convince her to not dump the kitten back in Redlands.  

     I went upstairs, and began thinking of solutions.  I was trying to bring up the courage to go downstairs and fight my mom on having her do what is right.  Before I could take any action, I looked out my bedroom window, and had seen her pulling out of the drive way.  I knew the kitten was with her.  My mom could have done the right thing, but she decided to dump the kitten back into the unknown, where the kitten will most likely not survive.  There could of been other options.  The kitten could have been taken to an animal shelter, where they would have the resources to take care of the kitten.  The kitten would have had a chance to find a home.  I believe there are two reasons why my mom took this action.  First: we have three cats.  Second: She didn't want to deal with it.  I am ashamed.  I felt my mom would have done the right thing, and not dump the kitten back into danger.  We could of taken care of the kitten for one night, and then taken it to an animal shelter.  Since my parents pay for the majority of things, and I live here at the house rent free, there is not much actions I can really do.   

UPDATE: After my mom left, my dad was ready to go to dinner.  He asked me where mom was and it seemed he had no idea what was going on.  My dad said that probably was not the best choice to be made in this situation.  But he kinda didn't do much more.  In the car going to Denny's in Redlands, my mom said she just set the box down at her school, and the mom cat will do the rest.  Of course, what if the mom is not around?  Still driving me crazy.


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