The Struggle Continues

     While on winter break, I noticed a job opening for the Front Desk & Game Room of our student union on campus.  I applied with good hopes.  I had received a call yesterday while in class that they called in regards to my application.  I called back to leave a message.  As I was sitting in the lecture hall waiting for my Government and Business Relations class to start, I got a call.  I went outside to take it.  The man who called told me that they had filled up the position, but there was another opening.  They had openings for Maintenance.  This would be the fancy word for being janitors.  I had declined.  I am not going to go down that deep from my last job to be a janitor.  With this the struggle to get out there in the world continues.  It fucking sucks!  The only thing that seems to be slowly pushing forward to end this struggle is college.  Other than going to school, currently I have no money.  Have not made money since September 2011, and its slowly taking its toll.  I want to be out there, and do amazing things. Sadly, those amazing things cost money.  So many basic jobs are looking for experience in ways that I don't  and the jobs that I have experience for are full time jobs.  I can't do a full time job and be a full time student.  Out of the biggest of the struggle is the need to be out of this house!  I so want to be on my own, and really move out when Scotty gets his house.  If I had a good paying job when he got his house, I would be one of his roommates, which would be kick ass!  Sadly, at this point of time, the struggle continues.  I will look around for jobs again, but at this point, my hope is down in the dumps.  What keeps me from going crazy?  I would say that all the things I do in 4-H are really helping me from become depressed and struggle even more from this issue.   The storm always gets worse before it ends right?  How much longer do I need to ride this fucking storm?  I'm getting quite sick of it! 


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