A Quarter of a Century

     As of today, I have lived a quarter of a century.  I turn 25 years old.  Is my life where I expected it at this point of time?  Nope.  In reality, how many people are in the place they expected at a certain age?  If you would of asked be at age 18, when I had graduated high school, where I see myself at the age 25, my answer would be quite different from how my life is today.

     At the time of graduating high school, I would say that at the age of 25, I would be newly out of college, getting into the career that I dreamed of, living on my own with my best friends as my roommates, being a 4-H volunteer and having quite a few awesome adventures.  If you follow my blog posts or know where I currently am, I believe my 18 year old self would be disappointed.  I am still in college, with no true answer to when I will be graduating, still living with my parents, and currently have no job.  I do have some many adventures and I am a 4-H leader, so those things are true.  The big question is:  Does my 25 year old self feel the same disappointing that my 18 year old self would?   

     The answer is mostly no.  The world had changed since the time I was 18.  The economy had gone into recession, and many people my age are experiencing the same thing I am, or close to it.  Yes, I wont blame everything on the economy like a majority might at this time.  If I had been as serious about school as I am today back when I started college, I most likely would have been out by now.  I could have been in a good paying job and living on my own.  There are times that I regret goofing off in the beginning of my college career, but today I am proud that I got past the tough times, and sticked with it.  Especially when many people I know have dropped out of college, and their futures are not so bring in their career portion of their life.  

     I know that the first 25 years of my life have been amazing!  Yes, a few speed bumps, but who doesn't have speed bumps?  I have had so many opportunities and experiences, a loving family, and loving friends who will stick by my side in tough times and good times.  My life is good, and I can't wait to see what the future brings.  My birthdays are normally low key.  Just have a usual family bday dinner to a place of my choosing and a chance to hang out with my friends.  This year, because it is my 25th, things are different.  Instead of asking for gifts, or a usual family bday dinner, I asked for an trip.  I have traveled many places over California, but very shockingly I have never been to Santa Catalina Island.  A week from today, my family and I will be going for a small trip to Avalon, CA, on Santa Catalina Island.  This is my bday gift, and I am super excited.  Can't wait to get out there and to have more adventures.  

Here's to three more quarter centuries of amazing adventures and opportunities!   


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