The Saga Begins...again
I just got home from seeing Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menice in 3D. At first I was sceptical of seeing it in 3D due to past experiences with 3D movies. Example: after watching the movie Avatar, my eyes hurt (took time for eyes to readjust) ad got a headache. But, because I am a big Star Wars fan, I wasn't going to pass this chance.
This movie in 3D was AMAZiNG! I really loved how Darth Maul looked with the added dimension. 3D was designed to add depth to the film, and it success. Many of the small details made were way more noticeable in 3D. I fell in love with Star Wars all over again (never lost the love of course), and I can't wait for the remaining 5 movies to arrive back in theaters. The two I am most excited for is Episode 3 and 6, those are my favorite :)
I do have to say that I can't believe it has been 13 years since episode 1 originally came out. It was June 1999 that I saw the movie in theaters, right after my end of the year 5th grade baseball game. Ah those were good times.
This movie in 3D was AMAZiNG! I really loved how Darth Maul looked with the added dimension. 3D was designed to add depth to the film, and it success. Many of the small details made were way more noticeable in 3D. I fell in love with Star Wars all over again (never lost the love of course), and I can't wait for the remaining 5 movies to arrive back in theaters. The two I am most excited for is Episode 3 and 6, those are my favorite :)
I do have to say that I can't believe it has been 13 years since episode 1 originally came out. It was June 1999 that I saw the movie in theaters, right after my end of the year 5th grade baseball game. Ah those were good times.
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