A Week of Sickness, of Recovery, a New Start, and Sad News

     Here's to another blog post, which pushes back my labor day one even more.  This week has been full of a lot of things from party to sick to school to some shocking news.

     Saturday of last week, I was invited to Scotty's brother's house for a glow in the dark beer pong party at his house.  I had gone, and the party was fun.  I was the first to arrive, but it was cool.  After people started arriving things picked up.  I ended up having a few drinks, then played one round of beer pong while Bryan had to go attend to something, so I ended up drinking some beer which im not a fan of.  Afterwards, I had a few Chocolate Cake Shots, which where good.  After the shots, We sat down to play a game of Kingscup.  Scotty had shown up at that point, and after the game Jane and a few of her friends had shown up.  By the time Jane showed up, I was drunk.  When I got drunk I stopped drinking anything but water.  The party had lasted all night, and had left to go home when I sobbered up around 4 in the morning.

     The next few days would suck for me.  I woke up feeling like crap, which was expected. Had headache, and my eyes couldn't handle light.  In the afternoon, a fever had started, which just put me in bed.  The fever would last three days.  In that time I had done nothing.  On the fourth day, I had to go to school to see where my classes where and to get my new student ID.  By that time, I was leak.  It was hard to walk or to do any activity.  The next day, Wed.  I laid around the house one last day as I try to recover best I could.  I still had some small headaches.

     Thursday was the first day of class, and my first time as a student at CSUSB.  I have to say as I was driving in, I got a little teary eyed because I was happy that I was finally out of Crafton Hills.  The class felt just like a normal class, nothing special.  Had a class on Friday as well, then went home to rest.  I had left to go to dinner with my family, and I left my computer on.  When I returned I had a message from an 4-H Friend, Cindy Sperry, and she asked if another friend Jess Contacted me.  I said no, so Cindy called me to tell me some unfortunate news.  It had seemed that Greg, a past member of the State Tech Team, was found dead by Steven our advisor, one of gregs best friends, and a few other people.  It was very shocking news, and I ended up shacking that night.  I first went to contact the Strothmens who knew him.  Not sure how he died but hopefully we will know soon.  He was a very smart, great person who did a lot of work.  He had taught me the basic web design codes HTML, and was a good mentor on the team, since back then I was a new member.  He will be missed greatly.

Well, thats my week in a nutshell.  Later.


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