Night Fun/Adventure with friends

     Because my friends and I have no money, when we hang out we tend to just hang in a car listening to music in front of my house (since my parents don't allow anyone in the house), or we drive around, or we hang out at Scotty's house.  Last night was different, and I felt I should just blog about it, for my blogs lately have been limited to just major trips or things I have done, and less about my day to day life.

     I had school yesterday, from 9:00 to 4:20.  While in school, I would be texting Sarah and chillin on facebook.  In between my math and history class, I spent my 4 hour break at the farm, which was alot better then being at school.  When I got home from school, Jane had texted me, wanting to hang out.  With me not doing anything, I said sure.  While Jane was getting ready to head to my house, I rushed to do a Valentine's Day card that I wanted to send to Sarah.  Took me awhile, but I got it finished before Jane arrived.  Im kinda nervous of her reaction to the valentine, but I know it will make her day.  When Jane arrived, we went into my car, and headed off to fill it up with gas, then go mail my valentine and a netflix dvd at the main post office in Redlands.  Afterwards, we headed back to my house to hang.  We were waiting for Scotty to become available, so he can hang out with us.  Jane and Scotty have come into a relationship a few weeks ago, and I have to say it felt real uncomfortable, for two of my best friends, are now together.  I did start thinking about when this has happened to me in the past, and I start to get worried.  I have had good friends get into relationships in the past.  After a year, they would have a nasty breakup and I would be caught in the middle.  I fear that will happen again, and this would be the worst since they both are my best friends.  Now, I am starting to get mored used to them being together, and trying to be more supportive as a good friend would be.
     45 mins later, Scotty was free, so we were going to drive down to pick him up.  I would turn on my car, and it would shake, then stop.  I tried a few more times, with the same results.  I got pissed.  We told Scotty, and he drove up to check it out.  He had thought that it could be the fuel pump.  I was in a bad mood at this point, and Jane was in a bad mood from some bad news she had received earlier today about a family member only having 2 weeks to live.  We went to go get Frozen Yogurt at the Tiki Hut Frozen Yogurt Place here in Highland.  I have to tell you, that Yogurt was soooo good, and helped with our bad moods a little.  Didn't help out too much with mine.  We chilled in Scotty's car at his house, then went to pick up Tricia, another friend of ours.  As time moved on, and my friends being who they are, I started cheering up.  When we picked up Tricia, we started driving around, then went back to hang at Scotty's.  Then we had an idea to just go to Wal-mart.  We went to the Redlands Wal-mart, for the Highland one closes at 10, and the Redlands one is open 24 hrs.  We killed a good hour goofing off at walmart, and Tricia bought some markers and other art supplies.  She likes making homemade stickers from shipping labels.  When done, we headed back to Scotty's house and chilled in his car.

     While in the car, Tricia decided we all should draw our own stickers.  She gave each of us a shipping label, and we used her pens and markers to draw something.  I am never a good drawer, and I just drew something I used to draw a lot when I was younger, which was a Orca and the ocean environment.  After I was done, they gave me another but I didn't know what to draw.  Tricia had an idea that we all work on one together.  We started passing it around to each of us, and made a new line when it was our turn.  Later, we added details and actually came up with an creature type drawing.  We all signed it with our initials, then had a plan to posted on a sign somewhere in Highland were everyone can see.  We drove around looking for a spot, and decided to post it on a stop sign in on the southwest corner of the Baseline and Weaver intersection.  Tricia ran out of the car and slapped it on since she was the tallest.  The corner didn't stick, so we had to drive around and have Tricia fix it up a bit.  We drove off, and got all excited.  At this point, it was 2 AM, so we decided to call it a night.  Below is the photo of our drawing.  Sorry it isn't that great of quality.  It was taking in Scotty's dark car with my phone camera.  Its better than nothing right?

     On a side note, today my dad and I tried to fix the issue with my car, but we ended up Towing in to a repair place in Redlands.  It was the Fuel Pump, and we had to get it replaced.  I should have it tomorrow.


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