Falling apart

As I have grown from childhood to adulthood, i have noticed that  my family has been slowly falling apart.  When I was little, my family used to go all over the place for fun; to get away from the house.  Sometimes it would be a 1/2 day trip, a day trip, or even an entire weekend.  We did alot of things together, and life was fun.

Today, life seems to be really boring.  My sister mainly focuses to her computer all day long, and never showes herself outside of her room unless we are eatting.  My parents go to work, then they come home to work some more on their computers.  Then, on the weekends, they work even more.  The only time then leave the house is to go to the store, work, or to go to an event to work some more.  I seem to be stuck at home with nothing to do.  Today is a perfect day to go out and about, maybe to the beach.  Of course, my parents just stay to their computers all day.  I have no clue how they can do it.  Life is alot more then just work.

This is one reason I tent to find more work to do, because im so bored, and I really hate it at time.  That is why im happy i have friends that we can hang out all the time, but there are times you just want to go have fun with the family and nothing happens.  The one thing we leave the house for is to eat out.  It sucks, we eat out almost everynight, and my parents just talk about all the work that needs to be done at dinner.  So it is not fun.  I just wish they would be back when I was a child, where we did tons of things on weekends at least.  Leave the work for the weekdays.

This is one reason why I want to move out, is because it is just way to boring here.  And I would be in control of my life completely.  But i just plainly can't afford it, so for now i will just have to be bored to death.  This sucks big time


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