Spring Break: Doheny State Beach Camping Trip
From March 9th to 11th, 2009, Scotty, Scott, Tricia, and I went camping for spring break at Doheny State Beach in Dana Point, California. Just over a month ago, we where chillin at school, and a conversation talked about camping and the beach. Then Tricia had this idea about us camping at a beach. I thought for a moment, and had the idea that we can go for spring break. We right away went into planning, and I booked the campsite at the state beach.
On monday, we met at scotty's and scott's house at noon, and we finished up all the packing and last min things that have to be done before we leave. We finally left around 1:00 pm, and headed down to the O.C. We arrived at Doheny SB around 2:30, and we finished setting up camp in 30 mins. It felt great to finally be away from the I.E. and along the coast. Scotty and I got our bikes put together (Had to take off the tires so they can fit in my car) and rode around the campground to warm up. After a short bike ride, we all took a walk to the beach, and noticed the wonderful no swimming signs, water contaminated by sewage leakage. We where thinking to ourselfs, well....I guess we arn't going to try to swim here. We walked down about half a mile on the beach, and decided to turn around to go start the fire and cook dinner. We started the fire, and we fire rosted hot dogs for dinner. While we where waiting for the fire to get good and hot, we broke out the uno cards and played a few games. For desert, we had smores, and for Tricia, this was the very first smore she has ever had in her life
. Once we satisfied our hunger, we broke out the monopoly, and played well into the night. I was the first to lose, for I focused on only buying the big properties, and not just buying whatever I can get. It was so awesome to play monopoly at night with a pull moon in the sky, and the sound of the waves crashing at the beach. Scotty was the second person to lose, which gave scott his victory. We chilled around the fire till we ran out of wood, then went to bed around midnight. It took some getting used to sleeping on the hard ground, but once I got used to it, i passed out. I have to say that sleeping there in the tent was the best. Had the full moon lighting everything up, had the fresh sea air, and had the soft noise of the waves crashing just feet away from the campsite. Scotty and I where in a tent, and Tricia and Scott where in another.
The next morning, everyone took their time to wake up. I offically woke up around 7:00 am to the sound of the ocean and the birds. It was still chilly outside, so I decided to lay their in the warm sleeping back for alittle bit. Finially got out of the sleeping bag around 8:30, and scotty has begun to waken up as I left to take a shower. After the shower, I went right into breakfast while Scotty took his bike and went on a ride into town. Once I finished with breakfast, I decided to head out for a nice little bike ride. I grabed the gps unit, and attached it to my bike so I can see how far and fast I traveled. I first just a few rounds around the camp ground. I didn't want to go far incase everyone was up and waiting for me to do something at the campsite. After the few rounds, i decided to leave the camp ground, and ride south on beach rd. I rode down the SB to the end, then rode back. Riding back was a lot better then riding down because it just seemed to be a better view of the ocean and the harbor and the cliffs. As I was heading back to came from my second circle, scotty rode up in his bike, and he pointed out where he rode, which was high up into the hills. He and I slowly road our bikes to camp. We all just chilled and relaxed, played some card games, then ate lunch, then chilled some more. Scotty and I shared our bikes with Scott and Tricia so they can enjoy the sights as we did. After lunch, Scotty and I went geocaching via our bikes. The first one was 1 mile and a half south of the camp site, the second was just north of the first one. This second one we didn't find. It was hidden in a place of tons of bushes with thorns, and we didn't want to risk getting cut by them. The third geocache was back at the entrence of the camp group, and that was the easiest cache to find.
At 2:00 we left to head over the Dana Harbor to go on a 1.5 mile hike though the Dana Point Marine Reserve, which is where the point is located and is home to tons of tide pools. Our main mission was to make it to a big Sea Cave that was just around the point, and in this Sea Cave just happened to be a Geocaching hidden. It was tricky because the only way to get to this Sea Cave is at low tide, and you don't want to chill there too long or we would have been trapped by the rising tide. We made it to the Sea Cave, and scott was the person to find the geocache. We all took tons of photos around the cave and the marine reserve. We also sent some time exploring the tide pools to see what kind of wildlife we can observe. We spent a good 2 hours exploring the natural habitat and the beatuiful view from the point.
When the exploring was over, we hiked back to the car, and went back to the camp site to get ready for dinner. We stopped at Ralphs to get some drinks for the night. We arrived back at the campsite, chilled there for 1/2 an hour, then headed south to San Clemente for Dinner. I took everyone to the best italian resturant I have ever eatten at, called Sonny's Pizza and Pasta. We went early enough, that we where able to get seatted right away. Everyone seemed to really love the food, and was glad I took them there. I had pizza, and everyone else had pasta. I figured it was mainly because they work at a pizza place is why they got pasta. Everything there is good. With dinner at an end, we drove back to the camp site, started up a fire, had some drinks, and begun one last game of monopoly. I finally tasted Vodka for the first time, and I got to say, I didn't like the taste too much. Scott says that it was a cheap vodka, and that's why the taste wasn't that great. So I guess I need to try a less cheap vodka before I make conclusions about vodka.
This time around in Monopoly, I took the tips that scott and scotty gave me, and just bought all the property that I can. This game lasted twice as long as the first monopoly game did. Scotty was the first person to lose after a hard fight. After a good game, I ended up the winner of the game. At the end of the game, I ended up with all the properties, and had $10,811. I was supper excited, for this was the first time I have won in monopoly ever. We chilled around the fire till we burn all the firewood that we bought from Ralphs that afternoon. We put out the hot ambers and headed off to bed. It took Scotty and I less time to fall asleep that night, for we where more used to the hard ground, and we had a long day of alot of activities.
The next morning started out just the same as before, but we all slepted in alittle later. Scotty and I stayed in our sleeping bags till the tent started to get alittle to warm from the sun. I took a shower, came back and had some left over pizza, and we just chilled and had some fun. We broke out the Uno cards, and played for about an hour. At 11:00 we started to tear down the campsite, and pack up the cars, for check out was at noon. We finished packing about 15 mins before check out, and we stood there and talked for alittle bit. We took off, and decided to eat at Carls Jr before we took the hour and a 1/2 drive home. We got back to Scotty's and Scott's house at 2:00, and we got our stuff all organized and we all headed off home.
I have to say that this trip was the a great Idea. From the min we got there to right now, I was nothing but relaxed, and it felt great to me almost completly disconnected from everything at home. I so wish there was one more day of the trip, just so I can still have one more full day of relaxing fun with great company and at a beautiful location.
On monday, we met at scotty's and scott's house at noon, and we finished up all the packing and last min things that have to be done before we leave. We finally left around 1:00 pm, and headed down to the O.C. We arrived at Doheny SB around 2:30, and we finished setting up camp in 30 mins. It felt great to finally be away from the I.E. and along the coast. Scotty and I got our bikes put together (Had to take off the tires so they can fit in my car) and rode around the campground to warm up. After a short bike ride, we all took a walk to the beach, and noticed the wonderful no swimming signs, water contaminated by sewage leakage. We where thinking to ourselfs, well....I guess we arn't going to try to swim here. We walked down about half a mile on the beach, and decided to turn around to go start the fire and cook dinner. We started the fire, and we fire rosted hot dogs for dinner. While we where waiting for the fire to get good and hot, we broke out the uno cards and played a few games. For desert, we had smores, and for Tricia, this was the very first smore she has ever had in her life

The next morning, everyone took their time to wake up. I offically woke up around 7:00 am to the sound of the ocean and the birds. It was still chilly outside, so I decided to lay their in the warm sleeping back for alittle bit. Finially got out of the sleeping bag around 8:30, and scotty has begun to waken up as I left to take a shower. After the shower, I went right into breakfast while Scotty took his bike and went on a ride into town. Once I finished with breakfast, I decided to head out for a nice little bike ride. I grabed the gps unit, and attached it to my bike so I can see how far and fast I traveled. I first just a few rounds around the camp ground. I didn't want to go far incase everyone was up and waiting for me to do something at the campsite. After the few rounds, i decided to leave the camp ground, and ride south on beach rd. I rode down the SB to the end, then rode back. Riding back was a lot better then riding down because it just seemed to be a better view of the ocean and the harbor and the cliffs. As I was heading back to came from my second circle, scotty rode up in his bike, and he pointed out where he rode, which was high up into the hills. He and I slowly road our bikes to camp. We all just chilled and relaxed, played some card games, then ate lunch, then chilled some more. Scotty and I shared our bikes with Scott and Tricia so they can enjoy the sights as we did. After lunch, Scotty and I went geocaching via our bikes. The first one was 1 mile and a half south of the camp site, the second was just north of the first one. This second one we didn't find. It was hidden in a place of tons of bushes with thorns, and we didn't want to risk getting cut by them. The third geocache was back at the entrence of the camp group, and that was the easiest cache to find.
At 2:00 we left to head over the Dana Harbor to go on a 1.5 mile hike though the Dana Point Marine Reserve, which is where the point is located and is home to tons of tide pools. Our main mission was to make it to a big Sea Cave that was just around the point, and in this Sea Cave just happened to be a Geocaching hidden. It was tricky because the only way to get to this Sea Cave is at low tide, and you don't want to chill there too long or we would have been trapped by the rising tide. We made it to the Sea Cave, and scott was the person to find the geocache. We all took tons of photos around the cave and the marine reserve. We also sent some time exploring the tide pools to see what kind of wildlife we can observe. We spent a good 2 hours exploring the natural habitat and the beatuiful view from the point.

This time around in Monopoly, I took the tips that scott and scotty gave me, and just bought all the property that I can. This game lasted twice as long as the first monopoly game did. Scotty was the first person to lose after a hard fight. After a good game, I ended up the winner of the game. At the end of the game, I ended up with all the properties, and had $10,811. I was supper excited, for this was the first time I have won in monopoly ever. We chilled around the fire till we burn all the firewood that we bought from Ralphs that afternoon. We put out the hot ambers and headed off to bed. It took Scotty and I less time to fall asleep that night, for we where more used to the hard ground, and we had a long day of alot of activities.
The next morning started out just the same as before, but we all slepted in alittle later. Scotty and I stayed in our sleeping bags till the tent started to get alittle to warm from the sun. I took a shower, came back and had some left over pizza, and we just chilled and had some fun. We broke out the Uno cards, and played for about an hour. At 11:00 we started to tear down the campsite, and pack up the cars, for check out was at noon. We finished packing about 15 mins before check out, and we stood there and talked for alittle bit. We took off, and decided to eat at Carls Jr before we took the hour and a 1/2 drive home. We got back to Scotty's and Scott's house at 2:00, and we got our stuff all organized and we all headed off home.
I have to say that this trip was the a great Idea. From the min we got there to right now, I was nothing but relaxed, and it felt great to me almost completly disconnected from everything at home. I so wish there was one more day of the trip, just so I can still have one more full day of relaxing fun with great company and at a beautiful location.
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