Time to make a choice

or those who don't know, On December 1, I moved from being an employee of UC Riverside to UC Davis (Just outside Sacramento) at the State 4-H Office.  I just got off the phone with my boss, and the she has told me that the state 4-H director (My bosses boss) doesn't want us to be working anymore from the UCR office because of possible conflicts between universities.
     I have two choices of where I can work.  The first choice is to work from home, and the computer lab would have to be split up.  Half would go to the State 4-H Office in Davis, and the other half would be stored somewhere here in Southern California.  My second choice is to try to see if I can be housed at the San Bernardino 4-H Office, and the computer lab would stay with me there.  I start to think about the choices, and with the first one; it would be great to work from home.  The only thing is here at home, there are lots of distractions.  I am not sure if I would be able to get all the work done that I need to get done.  On the other hand, i would save alot on gas, don't have to worry about working in an office with people I don't like, and I spend more time at home.  For the second choice, i wouldn't have to pay for parking like I do at UCR, I would get (hopefully) my own office space, I get to be away from home more.  I would be able to store all of my work things their instead of my home, where there is a chancce those things can be lost, the office is closer to home, and I know the 4-H county staff real well.  Some of the issues is that the office is in the middle of the getto of San Bernardino, I would have to change my working hours from my current house of 10-6 to either 9-5 or something along those lines, I could have the 4-H Staff bugging me about 4-H things thoughout the day, and its possible I won't get an private office space, and be stuck on a desk where everyone can mess with where things aren't too secure. 
     So those are the choices I have to make.  At the moment, i really don't know where to go.  I will miss the UCR Office.  That office was more modern, has great awesome people working there, had tons of resturants all over the place, alot of cool equipment I can use for my job like projectors and a Nikon D80 Digital SLR camera (I will miss that the most), and it had a great atmosphere.  I also have a very hudge working space, which I wont have anymore :( 
     You have to do things that you sometimes don't want to do for your job, but I will do it, because I love this job alot, and am real commited to keep this job, for it does great things for me, and it feels great to make a difference to military familes lives.


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