Work Promotion

For the past year, I have been a student worker hired out of UC Davis to work for Operation: Military Kids....Working with a pay of $11.00 a hour and my title was Computer Technical Specialist/Web Master.  As of Dec. 31st, that job ended, and as of Jan 7th, i was hired at UC Riverside, still for Operation: Military Kids.  I took over my old co-workers job.  My new title is: Computer Resource Specialist.  I run and maintain the websites still, and a 15 laptop computer mobile lab.  I also plan trainings at different military bases and even go to events on bases.  I now make $16.50 an hour....woot...the sad thing is, this only goes till September we will see what happens after that.  I work at the office in Riverside every Tuesday and Thursdays...and of course, i might have work trips on the weekends.


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