The Farm
For the past few summers and into the fall, I have been working at my cuz's farm called Elser's Country Farm. For the most part, I arrive the day before a market to help pack up the produce into the vehicals. This past weekend, I was hanging out with friends, so I was un able to do that this time. Other times, if I come early, I would be able to help pick some of the tomatoes (The main crop on the farm) I was unable to work for most of the summer this year due to work and 4-H. But this weekend is the first weekend I have been able to join in the work.
This summer, I am going to The Palos Verdes Farmers Market on Sundays with my aunt. If I am needed at other markets, I will join in those markets as well. With this amazing heat wave this past week, the flowers on the tomato plans have fallen off; which means that we will have a time in about 2-3 weeks when we will have very little produce. So I might not be working much this summer season. Of course, working is better then being i can get money for gas and to save up for the future.
If you would like to see some photos of the farm, and learn more about what is grown and where produce is sold....visit the farm website at:
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