Stuck in the ghetto at night

For those who don't know much about my sister Ashley, she does tap dancing.  Every year in the spring, they have a big concert type of event held at the California Theater in San Bernardino, right next to the Cinema Star Movie Theater.  The night before is Dress Rehursal.  I got home from work, sat down to relax.  After dinner, my mom had to go pick her up, and my dad made me go with her to keep her company....even though i really wasn't feeling well.  I guess she didn't feel real good either. 

We arrived at the parking lot for the theater at 10:20.  My mom had to go use the restroom so she left me in the car with the keys and the doors locked.  My sister starts walking towards the car, being excorted by a security guard.....this is how bad down town san bernardino is.  My mom comes back after a few mins and tries to start the car.  It started up, but then the car started to shack and it died.  Naturally, she tried a second, and third time.  No luck.  My mom claimed her car does this and we just need to let it sit for a while before starting it up.....30 mins go by, tried again.....almost there but no....wait 30 more mins.....tried a few times luck.  At this time, most of the cars are gone and no one buy a group of people in a corner....they looked like they just wanted to come over and beat the shit out of us....i felt alittle safe with a small pocket knife i found in a geocache, but it wouldn't do much.  Many people came extremely close to us and almost as they wanted to break in to get all our money so they can buy some drugs or

So a hour later, 11:20....i wanted my mom to call my dad or the tow truck....she said we still need to give her car a break and my dad is sleeping and don't want him to be mad.  Hmmmm.....i started to get alittle bit freaked out with the type of people outside.  at this time the homeless people starting coming around.  I love the cinema star movie theater, and would go at night, but not this late.

about 11:45 we tried again and mom claimed we should wait just 30 more mins....i was starting to get tired, and impasient.  at 12:07 we tried again with no clue and my mom has claimed one more try  and if it doesn't work, we will call a truck.  at  12:08,  the car started....WOOHOO....we got out of there fast and came home.

I will never go downtown past 11:00 ever again....but of course, i will still go to cinema is 1,000 times better then krikorian and it is safe until that late at night when the cops leave.  


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