My extremely short weekend

This weekend i was at the state 4-H office at UC Davis; about 20 miles from sacramento.  It was awesome seeing new and old friends.  On saturday i had to wake up at 4:00 so i can take a shower and get myself to the airport.  It was cool because this was the first time i got to drive to the airport.  I finally was able to be in control.  I was flying up with the strothmens, who live in orange county.  As we where meeting i spotted in the corner of my eye another friend from orange county by the name of Alex.  It was awesome.  We got to chill all the way up to sacramento.  First time in a long time that i havn't flown by myself.  When we got up there the state ambassadors where already in their meeting.  Got in the building and turned on the computers.  Later on in the day i had to attend the ambassadors meeting for work business.  It is cool because i got paid overtime to just sit there and listen...woot to that.....Later on we had a combinded meeting, then went to dinner.  After dinner we stayed up most of the night playing video games.  I lost most of them.   There where a few i won but only a few.

The next day different meetings where going on, which is cool because i got to see some great friends and people.  I was extremely happy to see Uncle Buck there.  I have been worried since this accident, so i am happy that he is doing well.  After our meeting we sat there for a while to hang out with friend before going to the airport.  The power was out at the sacramento airport so they where way behind, they had the back up generators on, but man was it hot in there.  They didn't have enough power to have the air conditioner least i was still able to get my starbucks.

I so didn't want to come home.  This weekend was tooooooo was very nice up there in davis.  Well, that is a small things that happened this weekend.  I hope all is well and all of your weekends where as good as mine was.


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