
I hope that everyone has an great New Years, being with there loved ones.  I have never had the chance to share that second when the new year comes around with someone special.  Look at me, im sitting here on the computer, only 45 mins left before the new year, and im alone.  For those lucky ones, don't take it for granit, because you have something that lots of people dont have.  This night should be with the people that i love, and it ends up never happening with me.  Sure in the past there i have been at parties with the family, but not with an special someone.  Either an special someone is too far away or i just don't have one.  I hope my 2007 year will go alot better.  Yes, lots of great things have happened, some of the best things that will ever happen in my life, but i was unable to share with someone.  I was alone.  Someday i wont be alone and when that day comes....i can't wait.  My goals for 2007 is to try my best to change some things about my life, that i havn't been able to which i hope will make me an better person.  


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