
Well, tonight my mom and sister fly off to Ohio for NJHA, which is some conference where 4-H'ers go.  For once it is something that I am not going to. lol.  I was cleaning up some file on my computer and I found this photo of me, my current profile photo, pretending to hit a notebook computer with a pool noodle.  If you really take a look there are five notebook computers.  I was in the middle of getting them ready for a workshop on Photoshop to alot of adults which is not a really fun thing because it seems like adults have lots more problems with computers compaired to us youth.  This week has been ok.  I was not feeling good yesterday due to heart burn.  I think it was some cookies that I ate.  I am just getting ready to go to school so I can order my class ring, I was going to get it last year but I wanted a notebook computer and so I got it instead for my b-day.  I just found out today that my friends house was really close to having her house burn down from the first fire of the season.  YAY. it is now over but we have other fires in the area.  I am sick of the fires because I can just feel the smoke in my lungs which is real bad for me.  Well, I have to go back to work,


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