The week so far

This week was the first week of school.  Everything was just about the same.  I am going to love my Digital Art Class.  Most of the things that we are going to do I have done already which will be nice.  Working on Photoshop is great because I can learn more advanced stuff and work on things like that here at home.  One new thing is that they will be teaching Flash this year which is a animation program.  There are just a handful of people who know the last time I tried to do flash in Omaha, Nebraska with the National Technology Team in 4-H.  LOL.  That was funny.  But this time I hope it will be better.  The only thing I don't like about the class is that I have to use a MAC.  EWWW.  I hate macs.  O well, I will live.  Other then that, everything seems to be cool.  Everyday this week I have been on the bus it has been late to school and my Chemistry Teacher is going to get a little mad if that doesn't change.  We are paying $200.00 for the bus, I hope this changes because I can't get to school everyday later.  It sucks big time.


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