Wanna go to Vegas? Sure!

I was sitting around bored at home. Procrastinating from things I really needed to do. State 4-H Leadership Conference was coming, and I needed to prepare. I was playing Grand Theft Auto 5 on Thursday, August 7, when I got a text message from Jane. She said that her aunt from New Jersey was in Vegas for one week at her timeshare. She asked me if I would like to go with her to Vegas in two days. Drive up on Saturday, stay the night, and drive home on Sunday. At first, I wanted to say no. I had thought I needed to stay home to prepare for SLC. I also wasn't looking for a Vegas trip like the last trip. Getting drunk, staying up all night, and recover during the day. After giving the idea a few hours in my head, I decided to say sure! On Saturday, we left for Vegas. Around 5:00 pm. We would have left earlier, but Jane had work. I love driving in the desert. ...