
Showing posts from March, 2007
Today was a very fun day.  Tiffany, Jane, David, and I decided to take a visit to one of the most famous California Histroic Missions.  Mission San Juan Capistrano.  We left early in the morning, I am driving...naturally...and headed down to the coast.  It took us a lot longer then planned to get there due to traffic...Which sucked.  To make our trip short I took the toll road to irvine then off to Laguna.  We finally arrived at the mission.  We walked around to see everything and to talk photos.  The only thing we had a problem with was there where too make kids on field trips there that day.  They got in the way of taking photos.  We took a few moments in the chruch (Which is a working church still) to pray and to light some candles.  The mission was very beautiful. After the mission we got back on the 5 and got off onto the Highway 1, the Pacific Coast Highway...also known as the PCH.  We stopped to hang out at Dana Point.  Mostly taking a look at the Brig Pimgrim and the Ocean In

BBQ and Fire....BIG NO NO in the wilderness!!!

Sometime last week my friends and I decided to have a BBQ today up in forest falls.  First as we are driving up we see the Fire Danger is Extreme....and of course, we didn't think of anything.  When we got there it was a little cold.  We first got the BBQ choals going so we can cook some food.  Then i wanted a fire that we just a camp fire. There was a man made fire ring there, so i wanted to make my own fire ring....So i make one and get a fire going.  It was right next to the BBQ so it was very safe.  We also had water standing by.  Well.  2 guys walking by told us that was a bad idea because we can get fined.  So i put it out.  They did say we can have it in another BBQ.  So i moved it and got it started.  Things where going well, I got ride of any evidence of the fire ring. David, Jane, and I where able to eat.  Tiff sadly never got the chance know why...LOL...hmmmm.....a fire truck came by with it's lights on.  Of course i start freaking out.  I had no clue what

My extremely short weekend

This weekend i was at the state 4-H office at UC Davis; about 20 miles from sacramento.  It was awesome seeing new and old friends.  On saturday i had to wake up at 4:00 so i can take a shower and get myself to the airport.  It was cool because this was the first time i got to drive to the airport.  I finally was able to be in control.  I was flying up with the strothmens, who live in orange county.  As we where meeting i spotted in the corner of my eye another friend from orange county by the name of Alex.  It was awesome.  We got to chill all the way up to sacramento.  First time in a long time that i havn't flown by myself.  When we got up there the state ambassadors where already in their meeting.  Got in the building and turned on the computers.  Later on in the day i had to attend the ambassadors meeting for work business.  It is cool because i got paid overtime to just sit there and listen...woot to that.....Later on we had a combinded meeting, then went to dinner.  After di