
Showing posts from January, 2015

If I Won

     I slowly awaken to the warmth of the sunlight touching my skin.  I get out of bed to begin my day.  I glance at my desk, and noticed the lottory ticket I purchased the night before.  I stared at it for a few moments, thinking if it is worth checking.  I know I didn't win.  After debating on rather I would check the numbers or not, I decided to look them up.  I went to the lotto website, and I bring up last nights winning numbers.  I got the first number.  Cool.  I wont get another number.  Sweet!  I got the second number.  I win a $1. No way!  Got the third number?  My heartrate begins to pick up.  My eyes begin to open wider.  I checked the remaining numbers.  No fucking way!  I rechecked the numbers 10 times.  I am shocked!  I had won millions of dollars.  My life is about to become super epic!      Winning the lottory jackpot is a drea...