
Showing posts from 2015

Ranger at Bluff Lake

      First Patrol as Ranger   Memorial Day weekend was my first shift as Ranger at Bluff Lake Reserve south of Big Bear Lake in the San Bernardino National Forest.  I met my new boss, Doug, at Oak Glen Preserve, on Saturday, May 23, 2015.  We loaded up one of the Ranger trucks (a Toyota Tecoma), gave me the keys, and we caravanned up to Bluff Lake.  When we arrived, he showed me the trailer, the tools, supplies, the restroom at the camp next door, and showed me a few different items of paper work I need while up there.  While showing me the ropes, Doug realized he left the ranger cell phone and important keys I need back in Oak Glen.  He left to go back down to get those items.  With him gone, it would just me me and nature for the first time.  I went into the trailer, grabbed my hat, knife, and bear deterrent spray and I went on my first patrol as Ranger.       As I walk the .8 miles a...

From Naturalist to Ranger

     All good things must come to an end.  I hate that truth in life.  Why do they have to end?  Rather we like it or not, we don't have a choice.  It is just a hard cold fact of life.  Today is my official end date for working as a Naturalist at The Wildlands Conservancy, Oak Glen Preserve.  Working as a Naturalist has been one of the best professional experiences in my life.  I spent on average 4 days a week taking youth (grades 3-6) out on the upper trails of the preserve teaching hands-on science based programs; concentrated in natural and cultural sciences.  I also assisted in running free public events (e.g. night walks and art programs), worked weekends to enforce the preserve and interact with the public, helped with service learning projects, and helped with preserve projects (e.g. invasive weed removal & planting native plants).        From September till today, working on averages, I personally g...

Turning at the Crossroad

     My life journey has come across a crossroad; probably the largest crossroad I have come across yet.  A month ago, while checking an email at work, I have learned that a season Ranger position at Bluff Lake Reserve was needed.  Since my Naturalist position ends in June, I decided to apply for the Ranger position.  At the time I applied, I did not realize this Ranger position would put me down a different path than originally thought.  I interviewed for the position, and last week I have learned that I was selected.  I can not begin to explain the amount of joy that came to me from hearing this great news.  As Ranger, I will live in a trailer at Bluff Lake Reserve (near Big Bear Lake) in the San Bernardino Mountains for the summer months.  On my days off, I will return home.  I will have very limited cell reception, no internet access, and may possibly be alone days at a time.  For someone who has lived in an suburban e...

Glaciation in the Sierra Nevada Geomorphic Province

    I am currently taking a Geology of California class for my minor.  Very interesting stuff.  Due to a trip to Sacramento a few weeks ago, I was unable to go to our field trip.  To make up missing the field trip, I had to write a paper about one of the Geomorphic provinces of California.  I chose to write about some of the Glaciation of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.      I will say, this paper is not my best.  It can be way better.  My fault for doing it two days before it was due.  Even though it is not the best I can do, it does hold some interesting information.  As I have done with past research papers, I post it here just as a record of some of the work I have done in school.  Why not?  Glaciation in the Sierra Nevada Geomorphic Province John Trammell California State University, San Bernardino March 23, 2015 ABSTRACT     The Sierra Nevada Mountains, a continuous range of...

Another Sharp Turn on this Roller Coaster

   I have been in college working on my bachlors degree since August 2006.  Between then and now, my college career has been nothing but an extreme rollar coaster of challenges.  During my community college chapter, many of the hard bumps, turns, and steep hills of this roller coaster was my fault.  I had to push through my issues to successfully get out of there.  Near the end, I got my act together and finally transfered to CSUSB.  If things went as planned, I would be out in two years.  Of course, this rollar coaster does not become a straight away.  I had three major challenges.  The first is having to go back and take basic classes that my community college should have made me take.  This took two years to accomplish.  Very fustrating.  The seecond challege was myself.  I ended up having to retake a few classes due to the lack of motivation/intereet (two accounting classes).  This took more time.  Anoth...

If I Won

     I slowly awaken to the warmth of the sunlight touching my skin.  I get out of bed to begin my day.  I glance at my desk, and noticed the lottory ticket I purchased the night before.  I stared at it for a few moments, thinking if it is worth checking.  I know I didn't win.  After debating on rather I would check the numbers or not, I decided to look them up.  I went to the lotto website, and I bring up last nights winning numbers.  I got the first number.  Cool.  I wont get another number.  Sweet!  I got the second number.  I win a $1. No way!  Got the third number?  My heartrate begins to pick up.  My eyes begin to open wider.  I checked the remaining numbers.  No fucking way!  I rechecked the numbers 10 times.  I am shocked!  I had won millions of dollars.  My life is about to become super epic!      Winning the lottory jackpot is a drea...