A Week of Sickness, of Recovery, a New Start, and Sad News
Here's to another blog post, which pushes back my labor day one even more. This week has been full of a lot of things from party to sick to school to some shocking news. Saturday of last week, I was invited to Scotty's brother's house for a glow in the dark beer pong party at his house. I had gone, and the party was fun. I was the first to arrive, but it was cool. After people started arriving things picked up. I ended up having a few drinks, then played one round of beer pong while Bryan had to go attend to something, so I ended up drinking some beer which im not a fan of. Afterwards, I had a few Chocolate Cake Shots, which where good. After the shots, We sat down to play a game of Kingscup. Scotty had shown up at that point, and after the game Jane and a few of her friends had shown up. By the time Jane showed up, I was drunk. When I got drunk I stopped drinking anything but water. ...