
Showing posts from March, 2006

Spring Break Begins :(

Today is the beginning of spring break and unlike most peoples spring break there will be no time to just sit back and relax.  Which sucks big time.  First I have an grant from the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) where I have to make many different maps from GPS points I collect with an GPS unit.  I put this information in an database using Microsoft access and then creating a map using ESRI's software.  Making maps on computers is known as Geographical Information Systems, a very complex technology.  Other then that, I will be working on improving the three 4-H websites that I am in control of, work on planning a conference, do a job shadow, finish an research report, and other homework.  So this is going to be a long and tiring spring break.  I do hope that all of you have a great spring break and I will see s few of you back in school on Apirl 10 th .  

Article Contents

Article from the front page of the Redlands Facts. Below is the article, which explains some things i have been dedicated to for most my life. 4-H Club is about more than animals VANESSA D. OVERBECK , Staff Writer Though the East Valley 4-H Club¹s roots lie in agriculture and animal husbandry, the club¹s unique flexibility has allowed it to evolve with the changing interests of America¹s youth. John Trammel is the East Valley 4-H Club¹s resident technology expert and is leading the club¹s foray into geographic information systems technology. The club received a software grant, giving them 25 copies of a GIS program from Redlands-based ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute) for use in a community service learning project. "Without ESRI, this project would not be feasible," John said. The technology bug bit John at a national 4-H technology conference held in St. Louis in 2004. He and 400 other 4-Hers participated in a volunteer project that invol...

Only 3 Months

Today marks the 3 month until graduation.  Is some ways that is a happy thought and in other ways it is a sad thought. I am going to be glad to get out of school.  My english teacher calls me her classic under achiever and yet i do all the work, ALL!!!.  I got an eassy back and because i did only a few small mistakes i got a 65%.....It pisses me off after i work hard to do stuff like that.  It is sad because most of my friends will be gone and there will be really no one who is local.  I will be all by myself with just two or three other friends.  Most of my friends are already all over this nation.  Losing more is just not making me happy right now. They would say that it gets easier when it gets to graduation but hell no, i almost feel that the teachers are out to get you so they can try and not get you to graduate.  Im just happy that it is 3 months away.

Goodbye Dial-up intetnet

My entire life i have suffered with Dial-up Internet.  After three months of convincing, my dad finally ordered online Cable internet from Aldelphia  .  In 8-10 days all the stuff will be sent to us and it will be set up.  I have not been this happy in a long time.  I never thought this day was going to come