Texas 4-H Congress

2012 Summer Series: Blog postings of my summer experiences of 2012. I had become busy enough to not have time to write about most of my summer until now. The blogs wont be in full details like other years, and mainly because of my lack of time to write. Most my time is focused on school. Texas 4-H Congress--July 15-18, 2012 I had the opportunity to represent the California 4-H Technology Leadership Team (TLT) with an exchange we do with the Texas 4-H Technology Team again this year. Unlike last year, the TLT would attend a different event, called Texas 4-H Congress. This event took place at the Texas State Capitol Building in Austin. Around 350 Texas 4-H Members would have the chance to run a mock legislative process at the Texas Capitol using the Texas House of Representatives and Senate Floors along with the committee hearing rooms. Other than the Texas Capitol, the even took place at the Sheraton Austin H...