
Showing posts from October, 2010

My 4-H Story--2005--Eleventh Year in 4-H

Note from John, 10/29/10-  This is the last official 4-H Story that I have written in my record book.  I was in 4-H in the 2005-2006 year, but I became so overwhelmed with stuff that I had no time to even work on my record book.  My next post after this one will be me writing about that year and what would have been that 4-H Story with a few more things added.  This is the second to last posting of the My 4-H Story Series in my blog.  Enjoy.   You can read the rest of my blog posts about My 4-H Story all the way back to 1995.  Just visit My 4-H Story Written 2005 Age: 17 Year in 4-H: 11      I am not ready for this 4-H year to end.  I have had so much fun doing so many different things.  Hello, my name is John Trammell.  I am a member of East Valley 4-H Club and have been in 4-H for 11 years.  I can hardly believe that next year is going to be my last year.  Where did the time go?      This has been a year where I did a lot of traveling by planes,

My 4-H Story--2004--Tenth Year in 4-H

My 4-H Story Written 2004 Age: 16 Year in 4-H: 10      Wow, I have been in 4-H for 10 years.  That's amazing!  The other amazing thing is how fast this year has gone by.  I have learned so much and met many people while gaining many new friends.      Hi. My name is John Trammell.  I am sixteen years old and have been a San Bernardino County All-Star for one year now.  I was also the president of our club and I had a good time working with the club members.        How did I get in to 4-H you may wonder.  Well, my dad, Steve, was in 4-H when he was a youth and he wanted me to join so I could learn life skills, leadership skills, and citizenship skills so that I can grow into a contributing member of our society.  Now on the other side, my mom, Rozie,, had to learn right along with me what 4-H is about because she has never heard of it before.  After one year my mom became the leader of Arroyo Verde Club which is call East Valley 4-H today.  Three years after I had joined, my siste

My 4-H Story--2003--Ninth Year in 4-H

My 4-H Story Written 2003 Age: 15 Year in 4-H: 9      4-H isn't just a way of thinking it is a way of life for me.  This has been a very busy year and I don't know where to start.  I guess I'll just start at the beginning.        Hi.  My name is John Trammell.  I am fifteen years old and have been in 4-H since I was in first grade.  I have learned many things through my 4-H experiences and met many interesting people as well.      My dad, Steven, works at St. Bernardine's Medical Center as a clinical laboratory scientists.  He was in 4-H when he was a kid and that is how I came into 4-H.  He is the one that has taught me about photography.  Photography was his biggest project and now it is my biggest project.  Someday I would like to be a professional photographer.  My mom, Rozie, is a sixth grade teacher at Clement Middle School and my sister, Ashley, is a student there.  Ashley is also in 4-H.  She has been in it since she was in Kindergarten.        I don't h

My 4-H Story--2002--Eight Year in 4-H

Note from John 10/8/2010 I apologizes for not having too many photos in this post.  They are all terrible quality, and won't look good at all if I scanned them.  Got to love technology back then. My 4-H Story Written 2002 Age: 14 Year in 4-H: 8      This year has come and gone by very quickly.  From California Focus preparations to school stuff I was kept very busy.  Our club has many things going on as well.  Hello, My name is John Trammell.  I can't believe I have finished my 8th year in 4-H.  This is my first year as a teen member of 4-H.  My projects this year were Citizenship, Leadership, Food & Nutrition, Group Determined, and of course Photography.      In July my photography project got a big jump start.  My dad took the family up to June Lake and from there we made photography field trips to Bodie, Yosemite, and Devil's Post Pile.  I like going to Bodie for my photography meetings because it is such an interesting place.  There are many special places to ta