Fuck it; Lets go Camping!

When Jane and I were hanging out on Monday, we had a moment when we were wishing we were away from the IE. Somewhere awesome. Somewhere far away. A place were we can just hang out and enjoy the world. We realized that we could have possibly done a camping trip that day. We kept thinking about it, and I began thinking of whats were I could go camping this week. We realized we could go for a overnight trip on Wednesday night. Where should be go? We wanted to get far away from the IE. We questioned going on the trip due to money, but we in the end said fuck it! This became a fuck it, lets go kind of trip. We did not care how short it would be. Anything was better than nothing. I figured the beach would be the perfect place. I used my phone and we found campsites open, but only in campgrounds up on the central coast. The closest beach that had openings, and did not cost us...