San Diego SOMK Retreat (Work Trip)
For the past five days, I was in San Diego for a Speak Out For Military Kids (SOMK) Retreat. The goal of this retreat was to help 6 navy youth film a Welcome Aboard Video for all youth moving to the San Diego area who's parents are in the Navy. I, as all the other SOMK retreats, was a main part of planning and was the facilitator for the event. The event was on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. On Thursday, I arrived at the hotel, Springhills Suits Marriot, in Rancho Bernardo, and met up with my boss, Chanda, and my co-worker from Bakersfield, Berney. We drove down in one vechile to downtown San Diego. We held the event in a conference room on the fourth floor of building one on the San Diego Navy Reserve Base. For those who know downtown, they are the old looking buildings across the street from the USS Midway, Old aircraft carrier that is now a museam. The event started with a small get to know you game, then we had pizza for dinner, and creat...