
Showing posts from September, 2006

One crazy night

Tonight was the funnest night i have had in a long ass time.  First scott, jane, and i went to see Jackass was awsome!!!!!.....Now afterwards is when things went a bit crazy.  We first went to TACO BELL....i was thinking Del there i am and they are yelling because i need to learn how to finally we end up at Tace bell so jane is happy.  Then we head for Sunset Dr.  The rich area of redlands.  WE wanted to go to hillside cemetary but we where affraid because it said closed after sundown and the gate was open, but we thought i was just waiting for we try to go geocaching...well, after awhile we gave up because we where in the middle of no where, in the dark, and jane was affraid she would be killed by then we go thought sunset and then drop jane home and took scotty home.....on the way home, scott played around with the flash light which was, im beat and i have a long ass day tomo...

Life of the bored

Tonight was one strange life, for bored college students.  Jane and I decided to hang out at Citric Plaza.  Have starbucks and do some crazy things.  So after i went to buy a new scanner, i went over to pick her up and we just went around.  When we got to target, i bought the soundtrack to the second pirates movie.  Afterwards we just drove all over the place trying to call people to see if they would love to hang out, then we thought, lets do the diet coke and mentos thing.  So we got all the materials.  Then we thought maybe jeff had nothing to do, so we called and he was up so we went to his house to do the diet coke and mentos...well, i was being stupid and tried coping someone from only, only to fail and ended up having a shower if Diet Coke, getting drentched in this soda.  Then we just chilled and talked to around 12:30 and i took Jane home and now im here writting how crazy we were and im ready to sleep and get up later this m...


I ask myself every once in awhile why the hell do i continue on work in what i believe in when no one really cares for what you do.  Sure i still have things to learn but i have worked my ass off these past 12 years and i feel no one gives a shit but a few people.  I feel no one listens to some of my advice and when im talking that no one respects me.  Yes there are a few, but most don't.  For example when my ESRI Speech thing cam about....the only people i heard about was a few close friends and that was it.  I spend hours, days, weeks, personnal time and time i don't even have on this 4-H program and my life and it seems that no one gives a fuck what the hell I am doing and to tell you the turth, it hurts.....if no one appretiates your hard work you get this disapointment feeling or that no one cares and you did all that work for nothing.  Why?  Now i ask Why i still stay and do what i have been doing.  To just get put down again in what i have ...

Learning fast

Well, with this week coming to an end for me i have learned that college doesn't work the same way as highschool.....I have 8 homework assignments due tomorrow, which i only have one done...all together they are only worth 10 i decided i better stop and stay up to par with the rest of the class or i will fall real behind.  So i just studied for my test tomorrow instead of doing all that homework.  This weekend, after working and stuff, i plan on getting back on track with all my classes so i don't fall behind and when it is too late, where nothing can be done....So now i have been planning my schedules out so i have enough time to do all.  College might be easy if you just keep up the work and not fall behind, which after this week i have learned.  Good thing i learned this now and not a week before finals in is what would happen in high school...i was very lucky that i graduated.  YAY for learning

What a weekend

This weekend has been one long ass weekend and im happy that it is over, but this week is going to be even longer....well, friday (which counts for the weekend since i have no school) I worked most of the day, and for those who don't know I work for the UC system for OPERATION: Military Kids. As a web master.  Well Saturday was the South Section 4-H Teen Council meeting, we worked things out on TIC and then we went over to the Leader's COuncil.  Then i went over to the SLF PLanning meeting.  After wards i came home, did homework, got ready to leave, and went to my cuz'z farm so i can work there the next morning selling tomatoes.  I was up late working on biology homework, and then had to wake up at 4:00 in the morning to go sell all day.  By the end of the day i was dead tired....I wasn't even able to talk to Ashley at all, which really sucked ass.  Today, i just had biology, i forgot about doing an outline for a chapter, oops....but i did the lab.  ...