
Showing posts from August, 2006


OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got the job for University of California under the operation military kids program building websites and working with there mobil lab.....I start on September 5th......YAY

My poor car

Yeah, two days ago my car was leaving some liquid, almost as a river.  It sucked.  Then after my dad has been trying to fix it, we found out that my heater core is broken.  So now im going to have to get a new heating core.  So for the past two days my mom has been driving me to school, and thank god no one saw i hope my car can be fixed soon so i can go driving again.....YAY

First Week of College

Well, I lived though my first week of college..and is cool but lots of work.    All my classes start at 11:00 am and the latest is on Monday at 4:00 pm.    My biology teacher is awesome but the class is going to be a lot of work..The chapters are huge  L  and we have to outline every chapter, this week we had 3 chapters we had to outline along with 2 labs due on Monday.    My math class teacher is cool, most of the subject is a repeat from last year, but billions of math problems we have to do.    But knowing it already makes things go a lot faster.    My English class is boring as hell and the teacher is telling how all the grammar rules they taught in high school and what your parents teach you are wrong, including the rule about where the I goes.    Other then the classes, Crafton seems to be getting to me, very beautiful in landscaping.    I have to leave 1 ½ hours before class because it takes 30...

The end & a new beginning

For the past 12 years i have traveled all over the country, met some awsome people, worked my but off, and had fun but all things must come to an end.  As of Sunday night, i am no longer an 4-H member.  4-H has changed my life forever, and this past two weeks i have learned many lessions and also had a great time.  For example i spoke to the world last week, about 15,000 people from 98 different countries.  Now it is time to say goodbye to my old life.      Today is the beginning of the rest of my life, i started college today at Crafton Hills College in Yucipa,callifornia.  And i will be giving back what 4-H has given to be by being an leader for thr 4-H program.

Life time experience: Talking to the world

Hello everyone from San Diego, California at the San Dieog Convention Center attending the 26th ESRI User's Conference.  Each year 20 4-H members gets to attend from all over the country and serve on the National 4-H GPS/GIS technology team.  This is the beginning of my 3rd year on this team.  And Thanks to 4-H, and my hard work these past 12 years, i spoke to the world. A few months ago i was asked to speak for 4-H at the conference, what i didn't realize is that i would speak to the world.  Yesterday at 2:00 2 youth from New York, 3 youth from texas, and myself spoke to 15,000 (not a typo) from 98 different countries around the world.  We have worked hours, hours, hours and hours from the World headquaters at ESRI to my house to here in San diego.  I have many photos and video clips of this life time experience and will be creating an video so you all can experience what i have been though.  I just want to thank Tom Tate from USDA in Washington D.C...