
Showing posts from December, 2005

Long Beach

Today was my sister's 15th b-day.  She really wanted to go to the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach so we went.  It was ok.  I was using my brand new digital video camera.  After the aquarium we walked around the north harbor as the sun was setting over the ocean.  We stopped and took a harbor crurse.  It was ok.  It was night so it was nice to see the harbor at night.  It was alittle cold but we got real close to the Queen Mary.  There were lots of oil things in the harbor.  I had no clue that this was a big area for oil.

Wisdom Teeth

Well, it has been three days since I got my wisdom teeth out.  And boy is it alittle different from what I thought.  First I thought it was going to be painfull when I am getting them out.  Not really, the only painfull part was the shots that I was given to numb my mouth.  It took about 10 mins. to get all 4 teeth out once I was numb.  For the next few days I am eatting nothing but soft foods.  Now that is starting to get old real fast.  I have eatten to much fish this week, since it is the softest meat that I can have.  Today is going along find.  I have this strange taste in my month, which bugs the hell out of me.  Well, I have to go, I am going to finish making a movie from Christmas Day.

X-Mas Eve and Day

Well, lets start off with X-mas Eve.  This is the first time since I am born that we were not doing anything on X-mas eve since my cuz's went to portland to visit my oldest cuz.  But around 1:00 I got a call from Candice.  She hates shopping alone, and with no one else that was doing nothing on x-mas eve I went with her.  For 6 hours we drove around highland and redlands, buy last minute x-mas gifts for everyone.  At the end of the day, I bought a Starbucks for her.  I told her that was my x-mas gift to her.  Today, in the morning we just watched afew movies.  Then around 10:30 we opened presents.  My best gift was a VIDEO CAMERA!!!!! YEAH!!!  I took it to our family dinner at my Uncles house and filmed all of it.  Now I just have to learn how to transfer the video from the camera to the Computer, I think I have to read the book.  Which might take me a few days.  Tomorrow at 10:00 I go see my one uncle, who is my dentist...

In a cage

Sometimes I feel Traped, almost as if Im in a cage, here in the Inland Empire of Southern California.  I wish I can just leave when ever I feel like it.  Do what ever I want, do the things that I love and to be with the people that I love.  I sit here everyday in front of this computer, thinking.....when am I going to leave this place and set flight to do what ever the fuck I want to do.  Yeah there are a few things I love like 4-H, but that is nothing.  I sit here sometimes thinking that I am usless and that I will be stuck here, along, not being able to be with anyone, to have fun.  I am here for at least 2 1/2 more years.  After that this cage will open and I will take flight out into the world, away form the Inland Emipire.  Will be able to be with my friends when ever I want. And go explore, start driving with out knowing where the hell I am going.  And I can't get lost.  How are you lost if you don't know where you are going. ...

18!!!!!!!! At Last

Well, Yesterday was my 18th birthday!!!!!.  It was ok, I really didn't do anything.  My plan was so to to my friends b-day party who turns 18 the day after I do. LOL    We are going to do something for my b-day but not saturday, I have to work, so I can't go to my friends party because of it.  Damn Christmas Tree lot.  This is my last weekend working there, I hope.  My dad also works there and he cut his finger there so he is right now in the hospital getting stiches.  I have no clue what I want to go for my b-day but I will find something to go to and have fun.   I AM 18!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 

Press Interview and Trees

Yesterday was a big day.  Like always it started with school. And I got to tell you, school sucks!!!  After school I went home and got ready for a Press Interview about 4-H for the Redlands Newspaper.  Another member and myself were interview together.  We both have been in 4-H for 12 years now.  It was ok, other then the fact I though I talked to much. LOL.  We found out that we are going to be on the FRONT PAGE of the CHRISTMAS DAY Newspaper.  This is the biggest thing I have ever seen for 4-H in a newspaer.  After the interview I went home for a few seconds then went off to work at the Christmas Tree lot.  It was very cold and windy.  It sucked.  I have to work there this evening again.  It just is not all that great out there.  The things I do in 4-H.  

AVID Field Trip/X-Mas Trees

Today we had an AVID Field Trip to Cal Polly Pomona.    When I first got to school I found my friends and he chilled awhile to wait for the charter busses.    We got on the bus and headed over to the college, which was only around a 45 minute ride.    The busses had no clue where to drop us off.    First thing we did is take a group photo on a green hill.    Then we went to the student union type of place to have a 90 Min tour of the campus.    The campus was ok but the hills got a little tiring after a while.    The campus dorms were ok, the building where kinda cool.    For lunch I had Round Table pizza with my friend jeff, Noelle ate with us too but she had subway.    We ate outside and there was a light rain.    To me it felt like  Monterey  or somewhere in  Northern California , It was nice.    After lunch my friends and I played pool and then we went back to...